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No, I'm just kidding. You can stay. c: Uhhhh. Stephen Stellar [ STEF-EN, STELL-AR ] or just call me Steve. [ STEE-V ] I don't have all the time in the world so I have to make this quick. First off, I'm Bi-curious. So I'm sorry ladies. ;P But I talk to me no matter what sex, mmk? I'm single, so wanna mingle? ;] Okay I'm really bad at pick up lines and s**t. I from Europe, but I live in California. I have an accent when I talk and I can also drop the accent. I do take pictures, but I'm not a whore and Pyp, lots. I more just sit on the side, commenting people and watching. I actually don't even visit it Chatterbox a lot to pyp anyways. Find me in the General Discussion or towns. User Image I roam around the internet so MYSPACE me. I'm usually bored so I mean I'm either talking to someone on IM or playing some video games with my brother and friends. I'm always told, oh your emo right? Oh your scene. I really don't ******** care. so ******** off please. I will answer most COMMENTS although if your just commenting to say "ur hot" I'm not going to answer. First off because I hate when people use "texting" language. It bothers the crap out of me. I hate are posers. Get a life, be yourself. That's what I find in people. If I like you I'll talk to you more because you're being yourself. And those people should teach other people to do that. I also like MESSAGES, or pm's as you people call it. And please don't misunderstand me. I get misunderstood a lot and that's why a lot of people hate me. I'm actually a fun out going one of a kind person. I might look like any other guy on the street, but as I've been told "You stole my heart away" So maybe I can do that to you<3 I'm not afraid of telling the truth, so if you need someone to tell you a serious opinion, I'm here. Even if your my closest friend, I'm not afraid to tell you you're getting fat. All I do is tell the truth. I skateboard, surf, play soccer, lacrosse, and hockey. I like to keep in shape. I do smoke, and drink, so you're going to have to deal with it if your a friend of mine. That might be a turn off to you, but all I can say is your missing out. So I think you should ADD me right after you finish reading this. So run off and tell your friends about me and we should totally talk. I know this is late to say, but fakes need to go kill themselves and go die in a ******** hole. And that's it so that's Steven for you. C: