Otayy so i've decided to do this all over again!
smile so that's what imma do.
dramallama i miss Gaia. and Avi Art. i will start doing it way more often when i get my stuff backk. Computer, printer, copier, etc... it shall be extremely awesome! well about me
smile ummm.... im a 14 year old amazing chickk.
blaugh and i rock socks. i got the most amazing boyfriend ever, Connor.
heart hes cute....
sweatdrop well ANYWAY uhmm.... im Mirandah Popp... and um... about me.... we'll cross that bridge when we get there
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Im cosplaying her on halloween in rl.. so I was sorta getting an idea on things incase i go back to this avi for halloween.
im sorry. =/
here's the tek tek with everything though, i dont know names of items by heart. sweatdrop