heavymetal to the fullest

heavymetal to the fullest's avatar

Birthday: 04/04


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i love metal its the best u hate hate then fck u
my favorite band lamb of god im in a band
its a heavy metal horror movie are awesome bloody thing are way cool dogs my favorite type pittbull and rottwiler toug mother fcker


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im new at this no no not on gaia my life its what im new at i mess stuff up alot u think im lying ask my freinds im always depressed cause im alone with out no one to cuddle really no jokes my freinds thought i betrayed THEM but no they back stab me in the face so yah like i said im all new to this this isnt old i dont know whats gona happend so im always gona messed thing up its that people dont know that so if i was jerk well im sorry ITS ALL NEW TO ME IN THIS WORLD

dime bag darrel abbot im a really big fan he is my inspiration for my nusic i will write soon i look up to hime he was like a role model an idol

mark morton he the coolest guy ever he's the one who inspire me to play the guitar i like him and his band they rock heavy man they rock hard i like there band and u should to check him out lamb of god mark morton