
I am a 14 year old who loves Naruto,Bleach,Code Geass,Vampire Knight,Shojon Jump and many more (like Sonic).My favorite colors are all of em except for gray neutral .My best friends that are not on gaia are Savanna Shaw,Sophia Siatras,Kaylie Brooks,Salicia Waddle,Alina Heyward,Elizabeth Franks,Ben Huskins and a lot more...........The job I work now is by babysitting my two little sisters... wink My secret crush is Luka Karaulic!!!!!!!!If you know him I advise you not to tell him....OR YOUR NEXT(on the dieing list)....... twisted That is pretty much it.Oh I live in Wadsworth,Ohio, and I don't feel like naming all the other stuff except that I love anime!!!!!!!!!!!!