
havinabadday's avatar

Last Login: 09/16/2009 7:12 pm


Hi, whats up?My name is Tannen Chase(yes its weird and its a long story),i LOVE manga and anime, moovies, chocolate, and
megaman.Im in 8th grade and my favorite subject is math( Iwant to be a math theacher). I live in the
US, more specificly California, more specificaly im not telling
(hey im not that stupid). I HATE ZOMBIES!(and any movie based on zombies like resident evil movies and yes robert and ken they are zombies)
*WARNING* I AM A PERVE! (wandering eyes are a curse>.>)

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User Image ProtoMan.EXE.

User Image ice warrior

Things i like: loyal friends, chocolate, manga, dinosaurs, candy, games, video games(duh), chocolate, bad-a** items, people who donate to me, and chocolate!!!!
Things i hate: ZOMBIES!!!!! assholes (unless there funny....), bad tasting desserts, icecream with desserts, people who are obsesed with one topic....(hey im not that obsesed with megaman), serious dumb people(unless it's funny heh heh....), smoking,
and ah- ZOMBIES!!! ZOMBIES AAAAAAAH!!!!! *runs away* ahem*runs back* sorry i had to get that out of my system....hehe........


View All Comments

kitty_kat_plushie Report | 03/15/2009 12:02 am
jusss so you know. my lil bros accound was hackededed
so he doesnt use this one anymores.
good byezz
Avidityz Report | 02/28/2009 9:47 am
I'm your friend. o.e
Avidityz Report | 02/27/2009 9:58 pm
lol, join the club. One day i came back from school and my friend wanted to change his password, then we went on his pro and i saw my old avi ( return_or_the_darkxx) was nakid... then i went running home got on the computer and found out somone took my person. Changed my pass. sad now i have to us this mule account. v.v yo wanna hang with me in rally?
Avidityz Report | 02/27/2009 9:44 pm
Hey, member me? kickboxer ko90? how have you been? Been long since we talked razz Herd you got hacked. tragic, me too.
kellychap35 Report | 02/17/2009 4:31 pm
Hoit-Kyo Report | 01/23/2009 11:16 pm
hello master tannon (srry i have to talk like this my masters orders!)
kellychap35 Report | 08/08/2008 12:12 pm
hey add me as a friend
kellychap35 Report | 08/08/2008 12:10 pm
what do you like about gaia
kellychap35 Report | 08/08/2008 11:22 am
heeey. you know im having a bad day
XxemorockerXx55 Report | 08/07/2008 8:53 pm
hey tannen it me jazzy

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i want these

Master Chief Sucks At Halo 3

Ninja Of the Night


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True Megaman Fan


Muahaha,I love coins, especialy Yours!!! Muahaha