I hate dinosaurs
I love my sickly gay boys
I will take commissions
Last Login: 09/25/2024 3:23 pm
Registered: 01/22/2005
Gender: Female
Location: Narnia
Birthday: 11/25
Hey you! Do YOU want a cute chibi of your avatar? Of course you do! Shoot me a PM to talk about it! cat_3nodding
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soriku 4 lyfe
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* we should go forum trolling again sometime
* Why am I your "rich ******* friend"? not that I disapprove, it's just that I'm quite poor in reality (actually for a college student I'm pretty well monnied)
I love that my avi's eyes and the moon's eyes both have this vauge "you looking at me" feel to them. and the vest matchs quite well.
Zach might join on here. I miss you. heart
I love your siggy, It made me laugh a lot (: