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Hatshepsut Queen of Egypt

Hatshepsut Queen of Egypt's avatar

Last Login: 11/07/2014 12:24 pm

Registered: 07/16/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Either Oregon or UBC, depends where I am at the moment.

Birthday: 04/23/1990

Occupation: OMSI Volunteer

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You may or may not have already known this but just in case, here it is, the big statement... I absolutely love ancient Egypt. Yeah, shocker, I know. I am currently in my second year at the University of British Columbia studying the history and archaeology of Greece, Rome, and the Near East (which includes ancient Egypt) with a little geology thrown in to spice things up. As for what I do outside of school, mainly I read books and annoy people with my Josh Groban obsession. But come on, can you REALLY blame me for that? Is he not the most ADORABLE, morally straight, intelligent, adorable, and talented person who ever posessed the voice of an ANGEL, and without a single scandal. Now come on, how rare is that? He's a miracle, 8th wonder of the world, *sigh*. But seriously, I made a playlist of a few of my fav Josh clips so check it out, in the top left of this page, where it says Josh Groban.


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The Story of My Life

Well, it's the story of my boring everyday life.


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Kake Kiligh Hellwinter Report | 05/20/2010 9:56 am
Kake Kiligh Hellwinter
Josh Groban is amazing.
paopuatfruit Report | 12/01/2009 1:13 pm
Thanks! ^^
blind_Alpha Report | 11/24/2009 5:18 pm
Gee, the rest of your items aren't showing on your avi. Better get it fixed. BTW, G-mail. Tomorrow. 8.
Necabo Te Report | 11/18/2009 8:39 pm
Necabo Te
Yeah I do, I took 3 years of Latin in college, my wife took 2 of those years with me, although she didn't catch on as well as I did (bummer), cause I still study it and text her in it frequently to drive her crazy. She is the Countess at the top of my profile, she also uses this account to mess around, I don't get on too often, so it's usually her on here...thanks for the complement...and your profile is pretty cool, although it is VERY hard to read, you have to highlight everything in order to read it (I guess that makes only the dedicated to learn about you willing to do so, ha!). Cool that your interested in the ancient times, I like Rome, Greece, and all that jaz as well, it's very interesting, but my wife is more into Egypt and all the above. I have my Bachelors Degrees in Philosophy and Psychology, and she has hers in Psychology and Sociology...Sorry I am rambling, so I'll stop...thanks for the comment again
Geocaching Fan Report | 11/18/2009 7:47 pm
Geocaching Fan
Cool. Have you checked out the Geocaching Guild?
blind_Alpha Report | 11/15/2009 7:35 pm
So I saw.
blind_Alpha Report | 11/14/2009 8:16 pm
You should check Gmail at 9 and/or 10 tongiht (preferably 9)
blind_Alpha Report | 11/13/2009 5:08 pm
Well, I guess since my side won the war I can comcede this point... I'm sorry sister. Your profile is very shiny. It is DOUBLEPLUS shiny... MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
blind_Alpha Report | 11/09/2009 4:11 pm
Hey, insulting me now, are we? Well, i don't think your profile page is "shiny". Hmph.
blind_Alpha Report | 11/09/2009 7:50 am
Bonjour. I see that you still have your skin. So. The stalemate continues.
I probably would have commented sooner, but I slept in til about 11:30 yesterday and then had to rush to get ready for GURPS, then I had homework and D&Dresearch to do...


Drink Coffee - Do stupid things faster with more energy!!!


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