
haruhi-fajioka32's avatar

Birthday: 07/21

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About me. >.<

my name is Taylor, Okay so my gaia well not mine my friend olivi her gaia was hacked so she gave it to me. and i changed everything so yeah.. Any way this account was hacked. Donate please.. I’m fifteen years young. I was born in Russia, but decided to move to Canada about six years ago. I LOVE picture comments(:. I'm not going to tell you what you want to hear to make you like me. I listen to whatever I want; not because it's "cool". It's funny because half the people on here who actually say they're down to earth actually aren't. They're stuck so far up their own arses that they can't see the light of day. I don't pretend I need glasses just so I can wear those plastic geeky contraptions even though I own a REAL pair. I like living in the present, and I don't think about what's going to happen in the future. Everybody smokes these days, it's insane. I'm definitely not one of them. My jeans don't stick to my legs and I don't get that obsession with jagermeister. I'm not straightedge and I'm not "brutal". I listen to whatever I want, and I tend to get on with lads better, I hate bitchy girls. Oh, and if you think I’m bitchy, you are way too wrong. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be one of the nicest people you’ve ever spoken to in your life. Oh, and I have a weird obsession with watermelons, aha. I love photography and painting, and I’m planning to open up my own studio some day. Oh, and I love long comments, those that take forever to read, so talk (:. I text, literally every minute of the day. okay bye.

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Me and my Hubby

Me in Drama.


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swim deep Report | 06/26/2010 3:43 pm
swim deep
He's a cooty.
XxMoChi_MaNiAcxX Report | 12/24/2009 5:33 pm
your welcome biggrin
XxMoChi_MaNiAcxX Report | 12/24/2009 5:23 pm
ur pretty biggrin
IKairi_KH2 Report | 12/22/2009 7:55 pm
o lol i just heard of him too ^.^.......yayy!! we shall be the Jason Fanettes.......no lol jk xD ^.^
IKairi_KH2 Report | 12/22/2009 7:37 pm
yw ^.^ o thx lol ^.^ i luv jason derulo he's awesome!!i luv The Material also ^.^ they're awesome too ^_^......buuut Jason Derulo gets my vote he's a lil and just a little bit more awesomer than The Material but that's just my opinion ^.^ which one do u like better? Jason or Material?
IKairi_KH2 Report | 12/22/2009 7:21 pm
ohh ok sweatdrop ......o really!?!? i hope u get better soon!! *hugs* get better!! k? ^.^
IKairi_KH2 Report | 12/22/2009 7:04 pm
awww really!?! wen do u get out for winter break?........yea i no! just 2 more days till Christmas Eve. and 3 more days till it's OFFICIALLY Christmas!!!! it's gonna be freakin' awesome!! so how've u been lately?
The Killer Likes Candy Report | 12/21/2009 4:59 pm
The Killer Likes Candy
thank you.. biggrin

xXx-sacred_prince-xXx Report | 12/21/2009 4:52 pm
u not ugly u kind of cute =)
IKairi_KH2 Report | 12/20/2009 7:05 am
o cool! guess wat!? i can buy myself my own christmas present!! ^_^.....but i don't no wat to buy myself sweatdrop .....it's finally winter break! yayy!!

so this is me i'm actually really happy in the photo.
but i don't like it becouse my face looks really bad.
But had no choice.

Austin D. Valentine. I don’t even
know if I can describe how much this
boy means to me. He is the sweetest and
most handsome boy I’ve ever met. The day
I met him, was one of the best days of my
life. When I’m with him, I always have a
smile on my face, just because he makes me
incredibly happy. He has a very dirty mind
at times, but I just find it really entertaining.
I love how he can make me laugh in any situation;
this boy is hilarious! (: He is the person I can
truly be myself with, without being judged.
Austin is the kind of boy who would make you
melt with the things he’d say about you. Well,
he can be pretty god damn sarcastic at times,
but to be honest, I adore that about him (:
Austin is SO weird, but I’m practically the
same way, so it works out perfectly. He has
been by my side for a lot of things.
We’ve been through a lot together
and we still
stuck by each others side. I'm truly
in love with this boy.
He’s the world to me. 02/02/05 <3

Austin D. Valentine

Olivi Jenni tetcher, My Bestfriend
she has to be the only one who would
be able to under stand me i love her
so very much! And she has always bee
there for me when i needed her. Add
her everyone thanks!