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Harley Quinn Twin

Harley Quinn Twin's avatar

Birthday: 06/23


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Let's see how to begin this, mmmmmm? oh oh oh I know. Hi there, I'm Rose (Yeah thats sounds good so far) I'm from Canada. If none of you know where that is looking it up on a map (maybe a map of Canada?) I'm currently 15, if anybody cares (which I bet they don't) Anyway. I'm a very popular person to be around. I'm not really a jerk all that much. I just like saying some sarcastic things to get a laugh outta someone...So I have a lovely sense of humor and as a Canadian I am a fence sitter (means: I don't really make up my mind, I just choose the middle option, even if there isn't) I'm a very pretty girl. If you would like to know I already have a bf so guys back off. I am not your slave. Besides I'm a pretty layed back, and chill person. So most likely you probably won't get a rise out of me. Unless you did something or said something that would piss me off. But over all, I'm a very chilled person. I've been told that "I'm a joy to hang out with." I don't understand why. But I'll go with it. Occasionally I'll deny it and replace the people's concept and use my own. My hobbies are hanging out with friends. Being on Msn/Yahoo/facebook/myspace/tagged. I have like almost everything. 'Cause i like talking to people. Apparently I'm a "Social Dragon" according to my friends. Here's a weird fact about me. I hate Shopping. I find really painful. But yet I bike for like 6hrs in the summer. (yeah that sounds good enough for this damn thing) If there is anything else you would like to know, just let me know by PM or comment.

Facebook: Rose Collins. (under the name says Sir Wilfrid Laurie, thats me)
Myspace: Canadian Neko 2
Tagged: Baby, It's a Fact

Okay people have an Awesome day. Love you all. xoxox Ciao


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Polishedd Report | 09/23/2010 5:50 pm
ROSEEE HAIII SCHOOL BUDDY <3 lol ( just showing off to some people because i know you irl) wink ) WUB YOU
Oren_814 Report | 08/30/2010 7:06 am
but what every the case how ya been lately
Oren_814 Report | 08/27/2010 12:01 pm
no need to apologize its mostly my fault for being off so long too much facebook lol but its good to hear from ya
l Fuse l Report | 08/04/2010 10:03 am
l Fuse l
lol i know lol
l Fuse l Report | 08/03/2010 8:55 pm
l Fuse l
not if ya ridin wit meh
l Fuse l Report | 08/03/2010 10:42 am
l Fuse l
LMAO not if my life depended on it
l Fuse l Report | 08/03/2010 8:33 am
l Fuse l
lol well if i told you that i would have to kill you O_o......lmao
raythecoolest Report | 08/01/2010 8:48 am
hey darlin...u hve a very sexy profile~ ;D
Jingiee Report | 01/09/2010 11:39 am
whooooo elesssss xD
TheBrainwasher12 Report | 01/07/2010 5:55 pm
i love you too baby and yes you got the first comment

Hey Look its me, Rose!!! With my new hair cut woot