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Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/28


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The brains behind it all

Meh, hanging around, checking in from day to day



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Nanaremilamina Report | 09/23/2010 11:21 am
YEEAH FOLK METAL. scream heart
/brick'd for being silly

And that's awesome. ^^ I too dislike emo or overly depressing music.
But music with a dash of melancholy is a beautiful, beautiful blend.
Nanaremilamina Report | 09/20/2010 3:33 pm
Bwuahah, no worries. Now it is my turn to apologize for the late comment. D:
Likewise! Very hard to come across J-rock fans that are not complete idiots. But then again, every fandom has it's retards. It's just really bad in the Japanese music area.
The banner is so pretty~ I'll admit- Vivid is just a bunch of pretty boys, but I did like their first single. After that, they lost me with their music. It was too upbeat for me... I prefer my music that will cause me to start riots wherever I happen to be. >w>;

Folk metal FTW? 8D
Nanaremilamina Report | 09/06/2010 9:14 am
ojdszgnmakl!! 8D
ViViD in your siggy~

Hi, I'm a lurker from the It's A Girl Thing guild. I've seen you post a few times and I thought it was due time to give you a comment. :3
So you are a fan of ViViD? :O
miss twinkle toes 001 Report | 08/29/2010 5:47 am
miss twinkle toes 001
hia emmie :]