
Halo_Angel74's avatar

Last Login: 12/22/2009 3:42 pm

Registered: 01/30/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/17/1989

I'm Wearing...

Hollywood - Jay-Z Ft. Beyonc頋nowles

Kiss/Heartbreak Hotel

My Way/Boogie Wonderland

Argentine Tango - Allison & Ivan!! Music = Libertango - Bond

Pasha & Anya!

My Theme Song LMAO =P

My Store

Hey! Got your eye on something in my store? Go ahead, bid on it or buy it on the spot!

The Buy Price will always equal to the NPC's price because selling it for more than their stores is just stupid and NPC's aren't real people who use Gaia Gold anyway. -_-

If you have any questions of issues with the pricing, PM me and I'll reply as soon as I can.

Thanks!! =D

Mizz Hålo Ångel


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About Moi =)

Name: Sylvia Thanh My Nguyen (thanh my is my vietnamese name n the my part is my legal middle name)

Age: 18 lolz i know u alrdy know

Ethnicity: Vietnamese

Nationality: Canadian lolz

Birthday: January 17, 1989

Western Sign: Capricorn

Chinese Sign: Dragon

Height: 5'2-5'4-ish-ish lolz

Weight: 130lbs >.< lolz

Build: average... hourglass shape lolz

Interests: music... math... science... games... food =D

Hobbies: i really dunno i dont think i have one at the moment... i guess my alto sax could count...

Favourite Animal: TURTLEZ! =D

Favourite Colour: tie between blue/pink/black/white LMAO i dunno =P

um thatz all i can think about at the moment =P

I have a turtle named Chad! =D He's a red-eared slider and he's around 4 months old! ^.^ Sad thing is, he is WAYYY more photogenic than I'll ever be. -_-


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R-tech87 Report | 01/20/2010 2:23 pm
happy b day
ekichaba Report | 11/30/2007 3:42 pm
Hello, Im tori! Im selling a whole bunch of cool items at my store, please go check it out and see if there is anything you would like! All my items can be bought or bid on! All bids start at ZERO so what do you have to lose? Go check it out!
szaNNe Report | 07/24/2007 11:40 pm
hey where are you?? /.
szaNNe Report | 07/08/2007 5:30 pm
alooo! haha. miss me? -.-" haha so whats new?
albasipa Report | 07/05/2007 11:31 am
nice profile
xX~Shelf~Xx Report | 07/04/2007 10:15 am
Yay, so far it's not working, I still have my wierd colored hair!
xX~Shelf~Xx Report | 06/26/2007 6:41 pm
I'll work on the gray hair!
xX~Shelf~Xx Report | 06/24/2007 8:27 am
Ha,very nice!
xX~Shelf~Xx Report | 06/23/2007 8:00 am
This would take alot of thought!
szaNNe Report | 06/23/2007 12:31 am
the flight's pretty alright. it was a 3-hour. gosh haha. was freezing like madness in the plane and the flight attendants wouldnt give me a blanket. hmmph! anyways, haha the shopping here's good. awesome. haha. and the people here are as helpful as ever. im kinda shocked by that. haha ive never came across super nice people before. youve never actually lived in vietnam? wow. haha. but you can speak vietnamese though? cool. i wish i could ship some souvenirs over there for you. heehee. =)