I love 60's and 70's Kung Fu flicks I own over 135 titles, Of which are all Shaw brothers. I'm 37 goin on 20. I have 3 computers. I love computers and games, art, photos, poems. I'm 6'2" Average build. Brown hair, blue eyes. I also like Horror flicks, Sci fi, adventure, and comedy.
you want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!it really works!!!!!!!!!
waaaah biggrin thankiiies for the gift xd hahah yayyyyyyys biggrin thankiiiiies thankiies biggrin haha biggrin awwwww damn ur internet and heyyyyys hows ur holiday biggrin hahha
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heart Huggles Kitty Tight heart
heart Ill miss you alot i hope you jump on every once in awhile heart
heart Kisses kitty's nose heart
heyyys wat u doin biggrin
and how's ur internet D:
Rubs your belly~
how ya been?