
grinningjester's avatar

Birthday: 03/06


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"I shall spread the buttery justice of Therin over the toast of your inequity! The sweet jam of light shall sweeten the sourdough of your evil ways! The creamer of light will dull the bitterness of your evil, unholy, coffee taste! The spatula of purity shall scramble the eggs of your malfeasance!" -Dorkness Rising

Post tenebras lux. "After darkness light." -A latin saying

"There had been times, over the past millennium, when [Crowley the demon had] felt like sending a message back Below saying, Look, we may as well give up right now, we may as well shut down Dis and Pandemonium and everything and move up here, there's nothing we can do to them [humans] that they don't do themselves and they do things we've never even thought of, often involving electrodes." -Good Omens

"Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant taste of death but once." -Shakespeare

"'And death shall be no more, death thou shalt die.' Only a comma, a breath, separates life from life everlasting. " -W;T

"The metal bit floats above it. The kraken stirs. And ten thousand sushi dinners cry out for vengeance." -Good Omens

"At five in the afternoon. It was exactly five in the afternoon..." -Lorca

"Consider the word "heart" itself. Doesn't it contain the word "art" as well as the word "ear"? What is the act of art making other than the act of listening to what would be born through us?" -Julia Cameron

"Voila! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.
Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V." -V for Vendetta


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Ebania Report | 12/07/2014 6:04 pm
Sad to see you leave the Department. You had a great run as its leader, and I admire your hard work and devotion to your community. Good luck with everything you pursue in the future, either on Gaia or offline.
Awesome ace is awesome Report | 04/02/2014 8:12 pm
Awesome ace is awesome
also to be a voluntier means that we dont dont need a test or anything but we don't get paid right?
Awesome ace is awesome Report | 04/02/2014 7:29 pm
Awesome ace is awesome
what is the least amount of time a person can be on per week or month
and how much we get paid
The Pink Piper Report | 02/01/2014 12:09 pm
The Pink Piper
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SunflowerDays Report | 12/04/2013 9:36 pm
Oh, she's beautiful! And wow, I love how thorough the biography is. I wish I lived in California! I feel like the belly dance community is so large there! I live in Texas. There are a lot of dancers here too, but not as many troupes. sad
SunflowerDays Report | 12/04/2013 8:55 pm
Oh that's awesome!! I love hearing about others who also belly dance. Because I feel like it isn't such a mainstream thing! lol
Do you know what style your friend does??
SunflowerDays Report | 12/04/2013 8:48 pm
Thanks! gaia_star
o PeachPuff o Report | 10/08/2013 1:01 pm
o PeachPuff o
Hello, Chief! I have a suggestion if you wouldn't mind PMming me when you're free sometime,
I would have noted it in the guild, but I must wait 2 weeks before attempting to join again.

So in your spare time, please contact me. I think it'll be a nice addition to the guild.
Ebania Report | 07/18/2013 1:04 pm
Uhh, so...

I think that I, by sending an invite to the BTPD to myself to test a guild invite layout, I think I may have accidentally demoted myself from crewmember status. sweatdrop Lesson learned...
Ebania Report | 07/14/2013 11:11 pm
Hi Jester!

I have to say: From my few encounters with you and from reading through some pages of your PTSD support thread, you seem like a really chill, awesome, friendly person, and I'm happy to work with you in the BTPD. emotion_hug Congrats on your new baby, by the way; that's so exciting!



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