everything you peoples need to know

Hey derr(:
I'm Erin and I am too mature for my age.
I'm in a wonderful relationship with a guy named Zach smile
I have a little brother named Parker.
My mom is cool, and pretty chill. My dad is awesome.
I have a potty mouth. D:
I could care less of what people think of me.
I play Volleyball, Basketball, and Softball.
I get told that I'm funny, I beg to differ.
I speak my mind.
I'm a super nerd--all A's.
I love my friends. I actually can't even name all of the people that I love. I'm pretty easy to get along with, unless you're a punk.
I love the summer. Hump the winter.
I love dancing even though I suck at it. I can sing pretty good. I can rap too. Country music is suicidal. D: