call me Ash.born June 19, 1997.
agender woman. They / Them
i'm autistic, i have adhd, and there is a lot of mental illness bullshit i'm not going to get into. my mental illness impacts how i see the word and interact with religion.
raised Christian, but not sure where i stand right now.
i love superman comics and angels.
feel free to hmu.
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we don't celebrate halloween here.
i mean, there are halloween themed parties but no one knows what halloween is. lmao.
they just dress up and go to a club, like any other day.
i still got more midterms and finals.
how are you doing?
i had 2 midterms today and slept only 4 hours.
i also have my birthday 2 weeks later and i hate my b-days.
kind of depressed.
thanks, you seem cool, too!
but i am pansexual genderfluid male.
And we don't???