gothichippiechick (aka me)

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Last Login: 04/28/2022 3:51 am

Registered: 05/30/2007

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But I Waaant It

The Peace Train

Meet-up and Rally



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Kadington Report | 05/26/2008 3:04 pm
Cassie: -takes a deep breath- I'll volunteer myself as well as Altiar. Chip and Laura are also more then likely able to help us. I give you full permission to do anything you need to do.
Kadington Report | 05/22/2008 1:30 pm
Cassie: Very well then. Alex Colfax, we are now under emergency gate shutdown for the next 12 hours. Will you both assist in that?

Alex and Colfax: -nod and exit-

Cassie: -Stands up behind her desk- Chip get Laura under control then evacuate the library.

Chip: Sure. -disappears-

Cassie: -waves her hand and her desk disappears- Treu you might wanna evacuate. -Her attention then turned to Satsuki- What do you need me to do for you?
Kadington Report | 05/22/2008 1:14 pm
Cassie: -nods- Alright -picks up a stack of papers and moves them across her desk- Do you think it's dangerous enough to shut down the gates and or the library?
Kadington Report | 05/22/2008 1:02 pm
Cassie: Welcome Satsuki -Instantly the office wall expand the office to accommodate the group- We seem to have a issue with a gate, might you clarify?

Laura: Ah man another long boring explication. -sighs-

Chip: -rolls eyes then takes out a ball and throws it out the door-

Laura: -eyes widen before she chases after in as a large white tiger-

Chip: Continue please...
Kadington Report | 05/22/2008 12:51 pm
Laura: yeah.... -just stares at Treu-

Alex: -shakes head- Mom have you been having trouble with the 9th gate?

Cassie: Yes, I'm surprised Satsuki brought this up.. but it makes sense.. Laura what does Satsuki suggest we do

Laura: Huh? -looks up from Treu then pauses- Oh... She things we should evacuate the area and run some test.

Cassie: -nods- Alright I would like an official statement from her regarding this matter before I take any action, Laura can you act as my go between?

Laura: Of Course!!!

-Meanwhile back with Chip and Satsuki-

Chip: Satsuki Cassies wants to talk to you concerning the gate. You feel up to talking to her?
Kadington Report | 05/22/2008 12:11 pm
-Cassie didn't look up from her paperwork-

Cassie: I really can't answer that question at this time

-Colfax bolts into the office and jumps on to Cassie's desk-

Cassie: Colfax what have I told you about entering my office... -Motherly tone-

-Colfax sits down on a stack of papers-

Colfax: Sorry, any ways we have a problem... Oh Hi Uncle Treu!

-Alex also enters-

Alex: Mom we have a problem...

-Cassie signs her papers before she glances up at Colfax and Alex-

Cassie: If this involves your father I really don't want to hear it.

-Laura enters-

Laura: Cassie about that gate... Satsuki worried about it.. Treu! I haven't seen you in a while!

-Cassie raises an eyebrow-
Kadington Report | 05/22/2008 11:47 am
-Looking up from her report that she had been reading, Cassie shot a glance in Treu's direction. Setting the report carefully down on her desk; Cassie leaned back against her leather chair-

Cassie: He's in the Lord of the Ring world.

-She paused for a second-

Cassie: Last I heard him and his brother Mic where working on something important to the world...

-Cassie trailed off before she reached for another pile of paper's on her desk and begun to read them-
Kadington Report | 05/22/2008 10:59 am
-Chip nods- You catch all that? -Laura gets up and dusts herself off- I think... So we have a problem and Satsuki is taking initiative? This is strange but I think I can work with this. I can go talk to Cassie that's no problem granted currently I'm not in the best of terms with her at the moment... -Shifty eyes- I think I'll go talk to Colfax first and get Alex involved... perfect.. then we can go after Cassie. yes.. I'll be off then! Don't worry Satsuki I'll have this all sorted out -runs off. Chip shakes his head- You know too many years of White Tiger influence is going to her head... I think you should have a look at her current mental status after this is over with. Any ways, just to let you know Laura might have to be kept on a short leash, she has a tendency to get... -Chip paused as he searched for a proper word- over excited at times. But my mental status is clear so if you need to know about something just come to me first..
Kadington Report | 05/22/2008 6:02 am
-Stops for a minute-eh? I knew it! the world as we know it is coming to an end -Chip smacks her upside the head- Just listen to the woman and stop being over dramatic geez you're as bad as W.T. -Emo corner- No I'm not... -Chip sighs then turns to Satsuki- Something you need?
Kadington Report | 05/21/2008 2:06 pm
-falls of chair and stares at Satsuki with shock- You out of you're lab? -check watch then runs around in circles- The worlds coming to an end!!!


