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IS TO BUSY FOR GAIA. DELETED. email or facebook me wink

My name is Aris.
Nicknames are Ari,Airess, and Sex-Air(long story)
I am from Tennessee.
I am 16 years old.
I love to party.
You can probably tell through my pictures.
I am really fun to be around.
I have had some bad breakups before
which lead me to have trust issues.

I have a mind-boggling, butterly-spinning,
heart-throbbing crush on HIM[:
I am crushing on many guys at the momment.
You should know if i like you[:

Get to know the real me.
Dont judge me before you know me b/c
you dont know me.
Dont call me a slut or whore cause i am not.
I am just a girl that loves to have fun.
Everyone should be able to relate to that.
I have a good heart, dont break it.

xoxo Aris <3

"There's a fine line between classy and slutty. I walk that line" -Katy Perry