
Gnarlsaurous-rex's avatar

Birthday: 02/01


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Covering my nakedness..

i aspire to aquire..


I Can See A Lot Of Life In You

That's all you need to know.

I like to chill and chat.
Don't be afraid to talk to me,
Even if you have no reason at all,
I'll welcome anyone,
Okay, now, let's get one thing straight. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and she raised a valid point. Everyone classes people who use marijuana into one category (in their minds). But really, there's a few categories..
1. Stoners - People who pretty much spend their whole life smokin' weed.
2. Dopers - The people that are like, 30 or 40 now and started doing pot when they were in highschool. It's an older word, not many people use it nowadays.
3. Potheads - The cool kids ^__^ like me, who love it, and use it when they want, but have lives otherwise.
4. Druggies - The greasy kids who use it to try and get some 'cool' friends. They're the kids who brag about it, who think that, if they smoke dope and swear alot, they'll be instantly popular.
I love stoners, and dopers, and potheads, because, let's face it, they're usually the most open people in the world. I don't know if they're open because they smoke pot, or if they smoke pot because they're open, either way, i love 'em.
I'm a very open person,
And I love people.
I want to get to know some epic children on here, okay?
I don't care if you smoke weed or not, I know I might've scared you with that whole schpeel up there, but seriously, don't worry. I have friends who would never touch a drop of alcohol, let alone drugs.
So be yourselves.
I can't stand people who act fake..

.. it's like killing a unicorn.. with like.. a bomb.


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panicpiano Report | 02/10/2009 6:18 pm
Hey! Sorry if it took me forever and a bit to respond. I haven't been on here in a while razz
Doctor Muraki66 Report | 02/10/2009 8:30 am
Doctor Muraki66
Doctor Muraki66 Report | 02/06/2009 7:38 pm
Doctor Muraki66
yeah, sure he will^^
shiny-eyes-kt Report | 02/06/2009 6:18 pm
Oh. That still stinks. Being sick in any way just blows. DX
seinfeld spit stain Report | 02/06/2009 4:36 pm
seinfeld spit stain
m'kay XD
shiny-eyes-kt Report | 02/06/2009 2:04 pm
I guess....but I've just been lazing around ALL WEEK, and I miss my friends at school. >___< AND it's the flu, so I can't eat anything. How stupid.
Doctor Muraki66 Report | 02/06/2009 4:58 am
Doctor Muraki66
yw, ihope u had a nice bday heart
shiny-eyes-kt Report | 02/05/2009 8:48 pm
Bah, I've been sick the past three days. >_< I HATE being sick...
But hopefully, I've gotten over it... I'm so hungry. D:
seinfeld spit stain Report | 02/03/2009 7:15 am
seinfeld spit stain
whazzap ;P
Doctor Muraki66 Report | 02/01/2009 1:11 pm
Doctor Muraki66
hey! happy bday to you honey heart


Pandora doesn't go back in the box, man.


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