Glo v2's avatar

Birthday: 03/15

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sorlac Report | 03/20/2023 9:26 pm
I know im trying to go hard still no luck on that shirt tho which i just took at the price you got but gonna have to play it cool and wait it out.
Also yeah so stoked I nabbed a g'deal on ruby mask, got some funds to play with now not as pressed before. xp
sorlac Report | 03/03/2023 1:23 am
lol i just changed it back to the new mode from the old mode which just a bunch more saved but it's all outdated still haha need to figure how to put pictures
kinda funny how i placed dates on the times i was inactive ool from 2yr then 3yrd to 12 yrs lol wonder if the next time is in 30 lol rofl
sorlac Report | 03/03/2023 12:19 am
ive noticed they have friday coupons or those random coupons which is better which pays extra gcash in your opinion?
Glo v2 Report | 03/02/2023 11:37 pm
Glo v2
in all my life of being on gaia, ive never spent a dollar on gcash lol. only cause being from the virgin islands, gaia never accepted payments from out there lol. now im either trying to get into vending or buying gcash and flipping it for plat lol
sorlac Report | 02/28/2023 9:25 pm
i salatue you man that will require some work for sure, will you spend some gcash, i had to drop some coin but im having fun so kinda worth it imo whee
sorlac Report | 02/28/2023 1:06 am
what are busy hunting now? ninja
sorlac Report | 02/27/2023 1:57 pm
Guess what! I’m after the white omg hat haha whee I want one soo bad lol you inspired me rofl dang still find it soo cool you rock a whole color way themed avi it’s so baller to me cool
sorlac Report | 02/24/2023 7:29 pm
what's new with you man, wow hunting for items off the mp is hard but what trip getting all sorts of new swag from the past haha heart
sorlac Report | 02/20/2023 8:45 pm
shiii+ see this is why I never wore my expensive stuff but now they have added security measure like token which I just activated but I'm still so bummed cause like I was hoping my 1x sealed envelope would be worth a pretty penny or like golden laurels was my big ticket item and turns out my coco which I traded was worth more like unbelievable lol
sorlac Report | 02/20/2023 8:42 pm
oh right you had a pimped up ninja main if I recall from you profile, idk you're mule if (chef's kiss) like my dude I'm just decked out over what seems to be limited edition nostalgia which I'm so here for hahaha

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