
# About Me:

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im simply SoMeOnE u CaN RiLY Get aLoNg w/ gOodsTuFFs. yup! im a doWn to earth chick.. wink AcEsOrIes,mAke Ups aNd nIcE pEoPle are super my ThiNg. i LovE hAnGin' out aNd cHillin out W/mY fRiEnDs mY TrUe FrIeNdZ.. smile hEHeHe. PeOpLe hVe LoTz oF MiScONcEpTiOnS aBoT mE bUT R oL pRoVeN wRoNg!! try me wink oNcE u RiLy gEt 2 hAnG oUt or da least, know me [haha]... iM NiCe aNd SiLLy , aNd SuPeR TaLkaTiVe GiRl.. smile AbSoLuTeLy LoVaBle.. pArties, gimiks, chills or whatevr you cAll that as long as iM nOt homE,, i'M super super gaMe for it too! with my good long fellas of course wink iM A hOpELeS rOmAnTiC aNd a sUckeR in "lOvE"... smile i just caN't deAl with it well! *groan* haha.. wen it comes to it, Im VeRy "wEaK". I cAn'T stand iT by mySelf, I NiD my FrIeNds To HeLP Me sOlvE this thing u call.. LoVE!.. hahaha.. wink yet iM a SiMpLe gUrL w/aLoT oF BiG dReAmS smile a dReAmEr aNd a sTrOnG BeLiEvEr!! smile iM a LoYaL pErSoN tOo.. 2 mY fRiEnDs, my FaMiLy anyways... *sTars* jusT sooThes mY pisses oFf.. and im intO PrOvInCes/bEaChEs/resOrts too.. above all,, im contented wiTh eVrytHin i have as long as i haVe this aMBiEnCe aNd pEaCefULnEsS around.. i defiNitely haTe pLaSTiCs aNd DiShOnEsT peOple.. thOse "bAkStabbEr" ish!! wow!! get a life moron! wink I cAn be da gUrl u can reLy on to no matter wat it takes! oNcE yOu'vE wOn mE oVeR i'Ve gOt Ur BaCk all ThrOughOut :} iM AlSo NoT A PeRsOn DaT GiVes uP EaSiLy BuT i hVe 2 aDmIt.. "I aM A sEnSiTiVe pErsOn" sO bE CaReFuL in evrY sinGle thing u saY abOut me.. smile if u hate me,, tell it straight in frOnt oF me. Coz im caPabLe oF switChing of my triPs on you! =) give me Lotz of "pIzzAs, Ice Creams, PaStAs".. we'd be goOd friends!!!! hahahaha.. wink "fIshies" & "vEggIe" Foods SuCk big tym..! hahaha,, well mY phone cOmpletes eVryThin in Me!! yeah,, i sOrt of Can't live w/ my phone.. smile hEhEhE.. smile what else...?? oh yeah,, im a music fanatic!!!! loves to danCe around.. wink