
GeneralShiva's avatar

Last Login: 07/17/2009 8:37 am

Registered: 10/16/2006

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15 November 2006

I won't lie, my avatar kind of sucks.

Sure, I would love a Demonic Pitchfork and a Dark Halo, or even a sword. Sure, it would be cool. People would be, like, "Wow".

Or maybe they wouldn't, because everybody else has them. So I guess my avi doesn't suck so much, because it is cheap.

That's right, cheap. Unlike everybody else's.

Get over it.

Your's Sincerely

My Love

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My boyfriend and I, aww smile


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A lot of blah blah, really.


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Undeserving Report | 07/17/2008 11:08 pm
lol @ double spacing. I think it happens to all the comments on this place.

I miss those chocolate muffins ^-^ and couldnt you miss something that actually had something to do with me? lol. Like hugs ^-^

lol. Well, I hope you're doing ok...I'm kind of depressed and stuff-but I'll live. Life goes on as per usual.

I was watching the guy I like walk home O.O and everytime I was talking, he took his earphone out-wtf? and his friend gave me a funny goofy smile when he saw me behind the guy.....hmmm..But I dont want to over-analyse it and get disappointed when he, like every other guy, wants to go run away to china or something and live his life in solitude -.-

What's going on?

And get msn =.=

^-^ have a goooooooooood day. User Image
Undeserving Report | 07/15/2008 9:21 am

It is a Claudia.

Rare and awesome

*jump huggles*
Undeserving Report | 07/11/2007 8:13 pm
o.o woah!!! It's me User Image

yes, it made me, but now everyone can see how i looked in like yr3 i think....or yr2....?I think yr2 more likely. Mrs lamprecht? wow...I have a sucky memory...Anyhows. Thank you for the comment, it made me smile very much. >.<
Undeserving Report | 07/01/2007 6:36 pm
Ka-Rawr...Herro. Thought I'd comment you User Image
Undeserving Report | 06/27/2007 7:49 pm
Okay, that's cute User Image yes. But it's still kinda freaky o.o

Anyways, I hope I catch you on the weekend. Don't study too hard, k? you might like bust your brain stem or something >.<

User Image Ambz.
Undeserving Report | 06/12/2007 5:51 am
It would be a lot better if you were here. Then I could finish setting you and Kane, I generally eat the tuna pasta, but it's never as good now as it was then....It's much better when you make it.I guess you're right that I have those moments with Aron to look forward to...The difference is, everytime that I'm apart from him, something bad happens and I end up in tears over it. And the fact that I'm away from him. I don't care if he ends up sick of me or visa versa...At least i don't have to spend a single night feeling as lonely as I do now.

This weekend I might be on often coz Aron wants to go see his dad, I think. Though his dad gets annoyed at Aron and I being in the house so often, I just don't care anymore. I can't always be outside, and Aron can spend as much time with his dad as he likes. His father probably doesn't want to spend time with me anyway-I'm of no relation or interest to him and generally disagree with everything he says to me. But I'm right to disagree the majority of the time anyway. My bitchy art assignments? woah, I didn't know they could talk O.O

I've got more assessments, and Aron's tried to help me out with my planning and stuff. It just means like 23 hours out of the week to work on everything which is gonna be hard considering who I am....And you know that, right? You remember the way I was. I still appreciate it though.

Right now I feel like s**t anyway. I've been crying for the last hour and a half over everything, so my nose is blocked, my eyes are sore and puffy, my sinuses are going to get worse now, my throat hurts, everything all over my body feels sensitive (no taking that the wrong way now) and my head feels like it's going to explode....*sigh*....I should probably go to sleep. I was planning to work tonight, but that fell through, oh well.

Uh, here's some poem things in cards from when the writers from hallmark have a bad day, enjoy:

I must admit, you brought religion into my life.

I never believed in hell until I met you.

As the days go by, I think how lucky I am...

That you're not here to ruin it for me.

Congratulations on your promotion,

Before you go...

Would you like to take this knife out of my back?

You'll probably need it again.

Happy birthday, Uncle Dad!

(available only in tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia)

When we were together,

you always said you'd die for me,

Now that we've broken up,

I think it's time to keep your promise.

I'm so miserable without you,

It's almost like you're here.

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.

Did you ever find out who the father was?

How did two people as beautiful as you

Have such an ugly baby?

I've always wanted to have

someone to hold,

someone to love,

After having met you...

I've changed my mind.

Hope you enjoyed those....And I'm sorry this is so long..I didn't mean for it to be....I'll sleep now, night night.


Amber User Image
Undeserving Report | 06/04/2007 9:53 pm
Hey there,

Nothing's up much. I've been over at aron's and emi's for the past week and a half so no net for me.
I've just been avoiding my mother really.
And talking of school-it sucks a**. I have 2 research essays due and my ******** art teacher's having a fit over the fact that i didnt want to type her assignment up in one night just so i can try get more of my other assignments done. It took me an hour to bloody type the s**t up so i went to sleep at 12.30 last night.

I woke up barely able to swallow and with such mucus build up in all my sinus passages that i wanted to cry. So I've stayed at home, and I bet you my b***h art teacher's going to have a go at me for doing that too.

I just miss talking to you, that's all clauds. I wish you could come over here to see me. I need a hug so badly right now, but im stuck at home with an abundance of pms and flu with nobody to hug or talk to. I'm miserable. And now, everytime I leave Aron's to come home I want to cry for all the nights i'm gone-i hate spending nights without him, i feel cold and lonely. Jesus, I should have just pm'd this to you.

I've been on msn, ask kane and aron...Just not much and not til 3am anymore. I'm trying to sleep betterly >.<
I'll tell you when i'll be at arons and online during the day...that way you can talk to me more.

lol, its good that you're enlightened xd

I miss ya lots too
Love Amber heart
Undeserving Report | 05/18/2007 3:21 am
Rahr...I havent spoken to you in ages...COMMENT ME WYMEN!!!
Undeserving Report | 05/07/2007 6:27 am
Thank you so much, again, for all your gold >.< It's much appreciated....Very Very Very much...
Thought I'd drop by to say hi again.
Undeserving Report | 05/04/2007 7:58 am
Dunno when your holidays are....But I go on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays when I can...

And you know about those whore's towards which I have those murderous desires....

And thanks for those tips from your friends...they're awesome............SRSLY AWESOME.

Quite a few things are alright...Like I'm with Aron right now...He looks so cute-and I doubt he knows I'm watching....He makes me so happy >.<

Missing you tons...
Loveya Ambz