
Galwraith's avatar

Last Login: 05/17/2024 11:17 am

Registered: 09/16/2003

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Birthday: 01/28


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Is my Gaian hibernation over? Probably not.


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Galwraith's Travelogue of the Known Universe and Midget-Tossing Records

Blathering. More blathering. And the occasional bit of really crappy prose that makes you wish I was just blathering.




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AllTimeMei Report | 09/26/2014 7:52 am
Thanks for the purchase! Please do take care of my panda hat! hehe that's one of my fave. item v.v have a great day! : D
nymphalla Report | 09/23/2014 3:40 pm
Thank you very much for buying the item! many thanks! <3
jeremy3223 Report | 09/13/2014 1:48 pm
Thanks for the purchase! Hope you're happy with your new item!
ShadowValseDeLaLune Report | 06/13/2014 8:18 pm
My most gracious thanks for your patronage, my fellow Gaian.
XXxx_Shi_cute_boi_xxXX Report | 01/01/2009 2:44 pm
thx 4 bouyin kom agian
Mr Obvious23 Report | 12/17/2008 7:50 am
Thanks for buying!
ParodyofSanity Report | 12/22/2007 8:30 am
Thank you for your purchase!
Aria_Knight_Lyrac Report | 06/06/2007 10:56 pm
I was searching around in search (Which is probably the first time I've ever used since I logged on Gaia all those years ago, god I'm slow >< wink , and I found a whole bunch of people who have Kamen Rider as their likes, cause I was about to give up on the idea of people of Gaia never hearing about the series, and yet I never expected that there's a few here, that I actually like the series. Oh, before I forget the mention of why I'm blabbing like an idiot, this is not a beg, but rather an invitation, considering I don't beg for money, since I've been in Gaia for far too long to do such a noobie thing(Unless I'm feeling stupid and do it anyways.)

Anyways, the invitation, if assuming your interested in coming in Barton Town to do some rping (which I know has lately been in a slump), I created an Kamen Rider RP (Which is mostly a new of everything and barely has anything to do with the original), to pay homage for the series that I grew up and loved. Kamen Rider Black.

Feel free to pm me back. But however, I repeat, this is not a beg for gold, since as I said, I'm too old around Gaia to be begging for gold.
Jiggleypuff1000 Report | 02/24/2006 8:52 pm
Yeah, but you don't have to sedate people.

Pandas are just a little harder to handle.
Galwraith Report | 02/23/2006 9:15 pm
I don't know about Pandas, but that works pretty good for people.

