If you've received this, then you've either visited our game item store on the forums, or one of our personal MP stores. I apologize if this pic's not working. It doesn't like some profile codes, and I can't seem to fix it. This is a thank you banner, not spam. Credit for this banner goes to Sashafey.
this is a random comment.... Send it to 2 pplz that you have no clue who they are.
OK YoU KnOw HoW YoU AcT BuT Do OtHErs?
AsK YoURsElf iMpORtAnT QuEsTIonS AbOUt YoURsElf.
ThREe Is EnOUgh.
YoUR QueStIOns Are YouR Own.
At ThE EnD Of This CoMMent, AdD OnE QuEsTIonS ThAt YoU ThINk WoUlD BenEFit OthErs.
SenD ThiS To RanDOm PpLz.
1. Why do I cry?
2. Should i have worn that on firday night?
3. Am I ThAt WieRd?
4. Don't Do That They Say but do you listen?
5. Domo is Gay???
6. Peace is good but so am i...am i?
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If you've received this, then you've either visited our game item store on the forums, or one of our personal MP stores. I apologize if this pic's not working. It doesn't like some profile codes, and I can't seem to fix it. This is a thank you banner, not spam. Credit for this banner goes to Sashafey.
OK YoU KnOw HoW YoU AcT BuT Do OtHErs?
AsK YoURsElf iMpORtAnT QuEsTIonS AbOUt YoURsElf.
ThREe Is EnOUgh.
YoUR QueStIOns Are YouR Own.
At ThE EnD Of This CoMMent, AdD OnE QuEsTIonS ThAt YoU ThINk WoUlD BenEFit OthErs.
SenD ThiS To RanDOm PpLz.
1. Why do I cry?
2. Should i have worn that on firday night?
3. Am I ThAt WieRd?
4. Don't Do That They Say but do you listen?
5. Domo is Gay???
6. Peace is good but so am i...am i?
7.i died i lived what am i?
Are you from sweden?