Gaara Tanaka

Gaara_Tanaka's avatar

Birthday: 08/30


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Hello everyone the name on here is Gaara Tanaka. If you all wanna know my true name, you need to know me alil better if you haven't already. So many things have happened to me lately that it has caused me to go into deep depression. Right now, I'm single but I am not searching for anyone at the moment. My interests are so many things, including Anime, Friends, Writing, Internet, and Games of course lol. If you want to know more about that, write me a private message and we can start chatting away about things lol. Nothing about me is really interesting at this time really though but i have been dealing with alot lately. For example, issues with one of my ex-girlfriends and then some other girls liking me and wanting to go out with me. I also deal with school most of the time due to my grades. Family is also out of control and my friends keep having issues about deep subjects but i always try to help out, even if it seems like i don't...but oh well. My favorite kind of music is Techno so if any of you are haters of it, then too bad for you! Techno is the best kind and don't you forget that! XD. My favorite kind of movie would either have to be suspense or something involving comics lol. Well, I can't really think up anything else to say so if you wanna know more, just private message me like i said lol.

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FayKai Report | 04/05/2009 8:19 pm
i know.....thanks.
FayKai Report | 04/05/2009 9:57 am
FayKai into a fight with my bro, then almost tried beat up my mom...

He has issues....
FayKai Report | 04/04/2009 12:03 pm
just got emo because of my dad's being a D***
FayKai Report | 04/03/2009 6:02 pm
But I must say that stuff my Loveable Lulu....

FayKai Report | 04/02/2009 10:11 pm
I'm da first ever one to comment (hmmmm....better say something important.....or make an a** outta myself!)




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