

I'm really dead...


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Last Login: 11/27/2019 6:26 pm

Registered: 07/28/2006

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shadowrose96 Report | 07/15/2009 5:52 pm
Sounds like it was a fun trip. I've never been in that region up north but I've been northwest in Oregon and their beaches are beautiful so I can only imagine.
Let's see, my dad still has his job and he is complaining a lot less about (thank goodness it was driving me nuts), my mom still works for the CDC nothing really new there. My brother moved in for 3 months because he's an idiot when it comes to money but he is moving out on the 18th, so I'm pretty happy about it. Only bad thing is his poor dog...he is not an animal person so poor Dino doesn't get to do much. I can't believe your brother is still at home, I would have thought for sure he would have been out by now. Umm Chewie is bigger then the last time you saw him for sure, I'm not sure if you remember him but he was the puppy my parents bought while I was at your house. And Mistie is still evil, so nothing changed there. As for me um well nothing really. I haven't been anywhere recently, we may go to Virginia because I want to visit the Montecello though. I still don't drive...Me and Corey are still together, not that that's supposed to be a surprise or anything. Um so really nothing has changed. I live on campus during the week while in school and my roommate is pretty cool. She's pretty much me only she's a vegetarian, woman's rights, and super environmental person. The only thing I can think of that's changed is the amount of bookshelves I have in my room. lol I lead an exciting life, XP.
shadowrose96 Report | 07/14/2009 7:38 pm
Yeah I know, lol. In theory I would be a good teacher...okay maybe not. Yeah I'm thankfully back at my almost original plan, so I can't wait till I can submerse myself in history classes and classes on digging in the dirt. Fun fun! Alright I'll write it down the info and keep reminding myself about it. Ooo free expensive spa stuff, xp. The only things I get for free nothing, I wish the textbooks were free. That alone can bankrupt a person, $360's roughly a semester. I've always wanted one of those make over head things, you remember the Barbie ones? Yeah...never got one though, lol. That's probably why all of my old dolls have really messed up hair now.
So besides school anything new going on with you? It's been awhile since we've really talked.
shadowrose96 Report | 07/13/2009 6:09 pm
I'm doing an internship at one of the lab in the CDC for my old major, which was Biology. I went crazy and decided that I wanted to be a Biologist with a double major of Secondary Education...then I woke up and slapped myself for being stupid. I haven't quit because they are supposedly going to pay me...and I get academic acknowledgment. To be honest I have no clue where that whacked out plan came from. Normally I get my hair permed, I have no clue what the woman I go to uses all I know is it burns to high heavens. Then in between those appointments are normal washing and straightening. Nothing to difficult, just time consuming. Way to go on the foils, I think tech school would make me nervous. lol I'm so used to paperwork and reading, I think something that involved actually doing the work right then would freak me out.
Hmm I don't know if I'll be able to get down there anytime soon unfortunately due to the whole CDC thing. I work Mon-Thurs from 8am to 4:30pm. So I'd have to either wait till I finished working or take an off day. I'll have to see if I can work something out. I would have been able to at the end of this week but they pressured me into extended my contract till the 31st. I just can't wait for school to start back up for me, I miss the classroom a lot.
shadowrose96 Report | 07/12/2009 6:44 pm
Sounds pretty cool, psh if you could see my hair right now. lol The ponytail is a must at this point
So do you go to school Summer, Fall and Spring? I've thought about summer classes but I couldn't do it this year because of my internship that I loathe (it's part of the self made mess, lol). I think I pass West Central on the way to West Georgia, so I think I know where it is. So is it like for class credit? I'm not familiar with the way tech schools work. Because if so then I need to think of a way to get class credit from you for Anthropology...maybe I can dig in your back yard xp Just Kidding of course.
shadowrose96 Report | 07/11/2009 10:28 pm
Lol, sounds interesting. I'd have to see though, because I'd have to get a ride to where ever this takes place. So just give me details of when and where, and I'll try. That's the one complaint I have, no car. I'm glad you are enjoying school, I'm just now starting to actually. It took a whole year but I'm finally excited, lol, I had a self created mess going but I fixed it so I'm happy.
shadowrose96 Report | 07/11/2009 4:53 pm

It's going pretty good. No truly large complaints at the moment, and only one small one. lol
I haven't heard from you in awhile, how are things with you?
The-Sitting-Duck Report | 03/04/2008 10:48 pm
Rawr Im bored kid. How's life been. I havent talked to you in a while.
Smoque Report | 10/23/2007 1:25 pm
Aww how cute..
Smoque Report | 10/19/2007 8:28 pm
Nice page!
Smoque Report | 07/24/2007 9:23 am


Child Proof

A life without me would be simply unbearable.

Heh, some are and some need an attitude check before I'll talk to them again.