
Kitty Helana Tsu-Cheleh Ber-Kateth-azeh
Other names: Sally, Helanore, Starlight, Rikuta.

One thing that gives me joy is the heart-shaped tattoo on the left corner of my eye= represents: through my eyes I feel love for everyone, the worst in people, and the beauty in most.

This does not mean it's an invite to bother my peace.
Im liking my solitude.

I am
Dene - English

Just another human in a world full of other different unique humans.

Many blessings to you and yours <3

Nobody got you, like you.
Nobody got me, like me.

Be gentle to your spirit,
I'm gentle to mine.

I dont like being here,
but i do the best for mine.
my body created two humans. O_O
Worst than me tho. omyGlob.