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Quote: "I have discarded Wood and village. I won my freedom. Yet my past had been cut away forever. No longer can my ears hear the Green Word. This…solitude, you want, Mjrn?"

Real Name: Fran

Age: Unknown; Atleast 50 years old.

Height: 187 cm (6' 1.5")

Race: Viera

Home: Eruyt Village

Revenant Wings Job class: Hunter

Quickenings: Feral Strike, Whip Kick, Shatterheart

Reference Picture: Fran

Fran has the most mysterious life out of all the characters in Final Fantasy XII. Being a viera, she is reserved amongst people of other races, although not as much as others of her kind. All that is known is that she left Eruyt Village over 50 years ago to see Ivalice. It is later revealed that Fran has two sisters: Jote and Mjrn. It is hinted that they are blood sisters, as Fran tells Mjrn that only one sister remains to her before Fran leaves the woods. It appears that Jote is the eldest of the three, whilst Mjrn is youngest, based on their behavior and positions in Eruyt Village. Considering Fran's age, Fran could have met Balthier during any time in his life. It is never hinted about how long they have known each other, or if Fran even knows about Balthier's past. However, while they keep their relationship professional, there are times when it is hinted it could be more than that, especially in the sequel, where she states that Balthier's methods of wooing her were different from Tomaj's of flowers and gifts.

Balthier: "I always knew Fran didn't take well to being tied up."

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"The wood denys us passage"


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Herbal Teaa

Report | 10/16/2010 2:07 pm

Herbal Teaa

heart heart heart
Ffamran Balthier Bunansa

Report | 01/21/2010 12:29 pm

Ffamran Balthier Bunansa

Furan Viera

Report | 01/17/2010 5:47 pm

Furan Viera

Furan Viera

Report | 01/17/2010 5:46 pm

Furan Viera

Furan Viera

Report | 01/03/2010 12:50 pm

Furan Viera

I have forsaken the wood for this..?