
Welcome 2 my page

as i sit little 2 do,my mind is filled with thoughts of you.
as i work hard throughout the day, i miss your smile thats miles away
as i lay down and try 2 sleep,its memories of you i always keep.
u must know this,my love so true,i spend all my time,MISSING YOU.

im sorry i cant have your back,when your about to fight.....
cuz im gonna be in th front waiting for that b***h to swing. cool

one day someone will walk your life and make u see why
it never worked out with anyone else... sweatdrop

lifes is 2 precious 2 worry about stupid sh*t. so go party,& fall in love,
say what you want to say do wut u whant to do, regret nothing,& dont
let people who dont mater,bring you down

True friends are like diamonds,precious but rare .............
false friends are like autumn leaves,found every where rofl

stick's and stone's may break my bone's but hand cuff's and siren's exite me... wahmbulance

the sh*t you hear about me might be true....
then again,it might as fake
as the fagot that told you(:

unless you lived my life,don't judge me because
you don't know,never have & never will know every little thing & detail about me

got a problem with me? solve it
think i'm trippin'?tie my shoes
cant stand me?sit back down
cant face me?turn around

call me what you want...
i don't care
insult me friends and
lets take a walk.
during that walk ill give you a hint...
AN AMBULANCE wahmbulance