flullabye's avatar

Birthday: 03/25


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Um... hi?.... I don't really know what to say.... Hello, world!.... Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a nice day!

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Wandering Thoughts

It's summer! And guess what I'm doing? No, not going on a vacation. And no, not camping or hiking or swimming either. I'm doing summer homework! Yay! School's starting soon. Aren't you just simply excited? Homework, lectures, tests - all those good stuff. Hey, on the bright side you get to see your friends and classmates and teachers again.

Video of the Day

Hello! Welcome to this corner of the world!

Hi! Say "hi" in the comment section if you happen to see this. You won't get any reward. But still, it doesn't hurt to say hi (or does it?)


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flullabye Report | 07/17/2017 12:45 pm
Hi! Say hi if you happen to see this! whee

Wandering Thoughts

Life is hard. It's sad that we can't do what we want all the time, and sometimes the things that we have to do is so overwhelming that they seems impossible to be finished. But stress is just a normal part of life, and we have to find ways manage it. Stressors come from many different things: work, school, family, or society. But just as various is the ways to deal with stress: exercising, going to the park, spending time with friends, reading books at the library. Find something that works for you