Me. [:
Name: is just a title...Birth date: February 20
Age: is just a number....
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Religion: Wicca or Wiccan
Birth Stone: Amethyst
Relationship Status: single...
Place currently residing in: a house
Languages That I Can Speak: French, English, some Spanish and Italian, and Sarcasm... : D
Background Heritages: mainly Irish and Italian..... : | ....there's more but it's too many....
Things i love to do: take pictures of Nature, being outside in the rain, working on my book, watching the sun set, being with the people i love, being on gaia...
Things i hate: sight of blood, medicine, being sick, being away from the people i love, freezing cold, thunder storms, being corrected on something i know is right, being called something I'm not....
Wishes that i want granted: want to go to Paris France, want to get out of high school, want to be happy and not deal with any annoying people, i think that's it....