sing me that solo, sweetheart

I want to be more than anything in the universe:
writer(author errr poet)
a hobo <--- :X
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^^^Me&&&miss.payton-gawd i miss herr^^^
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PoSeRs aRe fAkEs sO If yOu aRe yOu cAn sUcK My fAkE c**k. D:<

blog it upp:
vampire freaks?:

I'm in a play, im a who?! Haha be jealous!

I kinda want to make this as easy and fast as possible, I hope you don't mind. My name is Coral. It is pronounced like the reef. Lately I have realized people talk s**t, no matter how much you don't want them to. I have also realized that many people won't be there for you.I am a female. I am also straight. My hair is naturally blond but i dye it crazy and wacky colors. I enjoy being different. But right now my hair is black, blonde, blue, and a whole s**t load of faded colors :]. And i havee emo bangs like everyone else. It does look good, trust me. I actually have friends outside the web, and yes! Wow, you would be surprised how many people don't. I call everyone my 'best friend' so if you say stfu to me after I call you that, Ill be hurt, and I will probably never type to you. I love saying stfu, though. I give out my phone number to people I do not know, and I do meet people off the internet.
(: I like talking ^.-


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^^^I wanna sail away in the middle of the street C: