Name: Aaron Flynn
BirthDay: 6/2/95
Fav Music: Everything but Rap and most Hip hop
Fav Books: Everlost
Fav Games: Gun & Super Smash Brawl
Hobbies: Games
Intresets: Medicine
Fav Sports: Football
Top5 Animal: Turtle, Hawk, Shark, Scorpion, and Weasel
Personality: Rusty and illegal in 37 states
"I call upon the power of the gods to inhabit my body. Let their power flow through my veins so that all will be consumed in the mighty supernova. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. All must eventually fade to black. Goodbye..."~Mu
'The pure will be "spared" for the cause, while the tainted will be hunted down and exterminated. They shall be slashed, strangled, and slaughtered. Beaten, stabbed, and crushed. Garroted and impaled. Shot and executed without mercy. The time has come to cleanse this world.'~Wiess
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my ring of bubble gum level 10 for your quicksand ring
ill also throw an additional 20k
Made some stories ^_^ thanks for the site and your stories are hilarious!