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You'll have more luck reaching me with the latter choice.

I roleplay, whether it be XIII's plot or XIII-2's. Just send me a starter or something of an indication. If you'd like, I'll start. Just give me the "OK" and we'll be set.

To keep it short and sweet, call me Lightning. If you'd like to reach me outside of Gaia - get to know me a bit better. I'll happily share my other contacts, then.

My favorite Final Fantasy's are VI, VIII, X, XII, XIII, and Tactics. I plan to play Versus when it's released; that goes for Type-0 (I have a mule account from that series…), as well, possibly. You might sometimes see me lurking in the Final Fantasy thread in forums.

I am not big on shipping because it just doesn't bias me. I enjoy Serah/Snow, since you know... they're engaged. I'm not a strict hardass though, so please don't think I have ill will against anyone and whatever couples they like. Haha.

That about sums it up. Thanks for reading, and nice meeting you.

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It flashes bright. It fades away. It can't protect - but only destroy.

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⚡ In the world where I once existed, time's path is no longer certain...
xxxxThere are some things in life you just do.
… What? What business is it you have with me?
I am the knight whom watches over the guardian Etro. I am Lightning.

It all started a couple of years ago. My sister… her name is Serah. We lived together in Bodhum, and that was all I needed, really.
But something went wrong. Before I knew it, Serah was a l'cie. She became my enemy, and I knew that, so I was infuriated with her. She ran off crying…
It was that damn Snow's fault, I thought. I thought that for the longest time. If she never met him we could have lived our happy lives, but no… no, no.

I later met a man by the name of Sazh, and we traveled together shortly in search of Serah and Snow (but, by the time we got there it was simply too late.) - no avail. When we got there, I also met a girl named Vanille and a young boy named Hope.
Before I knew it… I was a l'cie. We all were… dammit, it wasn't supposed to be like this. But there was nothing I could do.
I met Fang, too, a little bit later than that; she is Vanille's dearest friend (they're both from Oerba, by the way.) and she was a l'cie just like us. Of course she would join our party, but I haven't a problem with that. She and Vanille sparked my memory, it was as if… they were just like Serah and I.
Strange. But allow me to continue.

There were obstacles along our journey, and we overcame them. It was exhilarating, really. But we did it. I felt… a sense of happiness. I was no longer alone. I really had a sense of companionship with these people… and they helped me, to save Serah.
But there was a cost for that.

Fang and Vanille were really the one's that saved Cocoon; they literally BECAME Cocoon. It was such a act of sacrifice, on their part. I never felt as though I'd never meet them again, on the other hand…

I reunited with my sister, and apologized. We shared an embrace and started to plan out her wedding with Snow. But I saw something… it was dark, and I was uneasy. It was as if it was calling for me. I was forced and pulled into the Historia Crux, by chaos, of course.

But now, there's a man whom goes by the name of Caius. He seeks to rid of Etro.
What a fool.
I won't allow that to happen. I'll rid of him. Just wait for me, Serah