
Hello! I'm Fenrir, I chose this name out of all others because I can! Anyway, My hobbies are role-playing, drawing, writeing random stories, Gaia, messing with friends, screwing with minds, and, above all else, having a good time. My Journal contains, if you can find any, stories about me. Other than that, My Journal is a place for me to write without judgement about things I like or dislike. I do believe "Nothing can be gained without first giving domething in return. To obtain, Something of equal value must be lost." For those of you that are anime freaks as I am that made perfect sense. For the others, I suggest you to "Watch more Anime". Lol. I have a shirt that says that. Anyway, My goals in life are to live life to the fullest, no matter the cost!

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"Don't breathe too deep
Don't think all day
Dive into work
Drive the other way
That drip of hurt
That pint of shame
Goes away
Just play the game
You're living in America
At the end of the millenium
You're living in America
Leave your conscience at the tone
And when you're living in America
At the end of the millenium
You're what you own
The filmmaker cannot see
And the songwriter cannot hear
Yet I see Mimi everywhere
Angel's voice is in my ear
Just tighten those shoulders
Just clench your jaw til you frown
Just don't let go
Or you may drown!"

~Mark & Rodger
"What you own"