Felix Donovan

Felix Donovan's avatar

Last Login: 05/18/2009 7:11 pm

Registered: 12/27/2006

Gender: Female

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Gaia Name: ArtfulDodger
Character Name: Felix Donovan
Character Description: 17 years old, 5'4'', rather thin, almost flat chested; Felix wears baggy sweaters to hide her slight frame. She's darker skinned, has black hair, and yellow eyes.
Character Personality: Felix is highly superstitious, and even a paranoid person. She never steps on cracks, refuses to walk under ladders, knocks on wood, tosses salt over her shoulder, etc. She hates people staring at her, avoids eye contact, and sometimes talks to herself. Felix seems to have a lot of "close calls" and chalks up her good fortune to her good luck charms, which she carries with her at all times.
Character Background: Felix grew up in a domestic violence situation until she was removed from the home at age 6 and placed with her grandfather instead. Now in high school, Felix's odd behavior has kept not only bad luck away, but the other kids too.
Character Relation: (Dunno yet)
Character's Place of Residence: Her grandfather's house, in the city of Grange.

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