Fang White

Fang White's avatar

Birthday: 11/18


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This is who I am

I like to sit in front of the TV and play games on any of the game stations I have or watch TV or both at the same time. I do the same on the computer and read alot. I also like to draw a ton.

My friends are pretty are simalar to me. That's about all there is.


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TaylorGS Report | 04/22/2010 2:38 pm
This is an incredible BG thread, so I totally recommend checking this place out. My two tanks are here as well. ^^
[Manny's BG Thread]

As a courtesy to the tank owners, bump their glow thread (the link is usually in their signature) after playing their tank. It doesn't matter what you post as long as you bump. That way, other people will be able to see the tank and play it as well. >w<
LuLu Chan x Report | 01/11/2010 9:36 am
LuLu Chan x
thanks 4 buying
Princepikmin6 Report | 01/11/2010 7:32 am
thx for buying
Ryuga Yuzuki Report | 01/11/2010 7:26 am
Ryuga Yuzuki
thanks for the buy
Poptart Bruh Report | 01/07/2010 5:21 pm
Poptart Bruh
thank you for buying =3
Iyah Ishida Report | 01/07/2010 10:53 am
Iyah Ishida
thnx 4 the buy!
kittybella13 Report | 12/30/2009 10:44 am
Kitsu_Onna1 Report | 12/30/2009 10:09 am
not unless they dont' have all of the things

check anyway
Kitsu_Onna1 Report | 11/21/2009 5:44 pm
follow me, for I am the white rabbit...I just had my long soft fluffy ears cut off my some inconsiderate a**...*stares meaningfully at the scissors in your hands*
Kitsu_Onna1 Report | 10/25/2009 4:20 pm
you can't. if thye all go togather with one item, then you can't.


Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch; Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.


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Lizard Taylor

A good friend is there with the bail money to get you out of jail. A true friend is in the cell next to you saying "Let's do that again!"