
FallenNot4gotten's avatar

Birthday: 01/25


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I'm Lenn. Writing is a passion of mine. I hope to one day turn it into my career. I'm hoping to meet some amazing fellow writers on Gaia to RP with and give constructive criticism.

Interested in RPing?

What I will not do: Twilight, anime only pictures, incest, Glee, Harry Potter.

What I will do: Medieval fantasy, hybrids, steampunk, heterosexual pairings, 1940s and WWII era, poetical format, marital affair, assassins, mature content.

Post length: I write as much as I am inspired to write. Typically, I average no less than two paragraphs, unless I am given one line from a partner. I desire role players who love and appreciate language arts. That being said, those of you who maintain and strive for correct grammar, you have my utmost appreciation.

Limits: If Gaia is the medium for which our RP takes place, I uphold their standards for content. However, if you are over 18 and wish to go beyond their limits, I ask that we either take the RP to emails or messengers. I only play heterosexual characters. I am fine with other characters being different orientations, but my characters will have no romantic dealings with such characters. Finally, I ask that if for some reason an RP is no longer to continue due to your reasoning you would notify me. I put much effort into my RPs and ask that you respect that.

If you are interested, feel free to send a PM my way or contact me through the messengers listed below.


Writing. Listening to music. Baking. Knitting. Sword fighting. People watching. Poetry. Independent films and music. Photography. Quoting movies and shows. Creating music. Loose leaf tea. My family. God. Grammar. Tattoos. Dyeing my hair. Deep conversations. WoW. Book stores. Being inspired by creative people.


Country music. Lipton tea. Melted ice cream. Chick flicks. Judgmental people. Frogs. Sweet pickles. Eggs. Washing dishes. Women-only gatherings. Lukewarm water. Being cold. People talking during movies. Milk. Being told/admitting I'm wrong.


AIM: Fallennot4gotten

Yahoo Messenger: Fallennot4gotten



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Deathstealer1 Report | 08/07/2010 7:36 pm
i love 30 seconds to mars

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