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Hello everybody! I am fairy_freak07! I am her to blather on about myself and bore everybody to death. Yeah! First off, I am a younger teenager who plays in volleyball, basketball, I used to play soccer (I still love it), sometimes track, and softball. My absolute favorite holiday is *duh duh duh* CHRISTMAS!!! *squeals* I used to have animals...but we gave my rabbit and finches away and we had to put my cat to sleep *sniffle* so no animals at the moment.

Hobbies: I love to draw, read for 5 hours straight, watch new movies, watch anime, and read manga. I also collect fairy figurines, it's a pretty pathetic collection, though...

Favorites: (Movies) I love Meet the Robinsons (so hilarious XD), the mummy, the mummy returns, uh...and probably Transformers if I ever see it!! (Books) MAXIMUM RIDE!!! OH MY GOSH!! *cough*...I'm okay...um, I like the series Percy Jackson the the Olymians, the Inheritance Trilogy, The Land of Elyon trilogy, and I am now currently reading Twilight which I love! There's a whole bunch of manga I love to read, too.

Boy, I'm really rambling on here.

Things I no like: people informing over and over I am wrong when I know I'm right, getting lost, scary moves (yesh, I admit it, I'm a complete and utter chicken), people trying to scare, and anything scary in general. I also don't like those people who think they're better than everybody else and act like total snobs, math classes in general, and when people interrupt my daydreaming.

I tend to seem at times bipolar (especially to my family) but that's just my blood sugar going on a roller coaster ride. I am very gullible, unfortunately, and when I have enough caffeine/sugar I will probably talk faster than lightspeed.

I think that's about it...Yesh, that is it. ^_^


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My random writtings!!

hello there people!! I'm fairy_freak07 and I'm clueless! I'll probably just type about random things happening or when I get really bored I'll write...yeah.



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Emo Girl Of 92 Report | 08/21/2009 7:49 pm
Emo Girl Of 92
hi i know 1 of jada4525s friends and its sister of rock and i was woundering if u wanted to be friends
Bleeding Cyanide Report | 03/03/2008 4:23 pm
Bleeding Cyanide
Hi lol you only have 2 friends? why?
minimars Report | 12/12/2007 8:15 pm

minimars Report | 12/09/2007 3:07 pm
Heehee. I commenting and you never know. Haha! Unless you get online sometime...>>

minimars Report | 07/13/2007 2:39 pm
Happy Friday the 13th! Guess who's at my house right now? Kate. XP She's like...The neediest kid. Ever. But...Whatever I guess. How are you? It would be nice if you replied...>.>

minimars Report | 07/04/2007 5:36 pm
Oh and I like your profile. It's pretty. <3
minimars Report | 07/04/2007 5:26 pm
Heehee. I found you. <3
zin39 Report | 07/03/2007 8:08 pm
welcome to gaia. if you need help or if you just need someone to talk to you can come to me
Foxxxy_Palm-Tree Report | 07/03/2007 8:03 pm
YAY! FIRST COMMENT!!!! Greetings to a new fellow Gaian!! I hope you enjoy your time here!



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