
Wow. I think it's been like...a year since I was last active on here. o _o Jesus.
I really have no motivation to talk about myself. (For those of you who know me, this is where you laugh and say, "Lazy a**.")
But I suppose since you took the time to read this, I might as well try and dig up something interesting about myself.
biggrin Erm... I'm going to be seventeen soon. Now that school's out, I'm technically a senior, and I don't even have my license yet. = 3= I got my permit though...! ...If that counts..
Um. I like to swear a lot, and I can be rather rude sometimes, but that's ususally because someone said something to piss me off, someone's being ignorant/stupid, or I'm just having a bad day in general. x3 I like to help people though, and I absolutely ADORE answering questions. 8D I dunno why. Don't ask. (OMG PUN) /lame
I have dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and I'm 5' 4", 116lbs. You're very welcome to call me Fae, or even Mimi, either one I don't mind. I'm also called Kitty in real life, and so if you feel the urge to call me that.... be my guest. :3
I don't like to talk about my personal home life so much because it's rather complicated, but I'll just go ahead and say that I have lesbian parents, four dogs, a cat...oh yeah, and a little sister. And I'm also bisexual, leaning more towards women. :/ If you're a homophobic freak, please do not comment on that. It makes me uncomfortable.
But, if anyone has questions about my home life with my moms, I'm more than happy to answer. :3
I REALLY LIKE TO ROLEPLAY. I mostly like Yuri scenarios if it's humanoid, and I adore Pokemon roleplays. (Because I adore Pokemon with all my heart.) I'm really up to anything, as long as it's not a fanfiction roleplay, because I haven't paid much attention to anything lately and therefore probably could not remember many details about stuff. xD
Now that summer is over I have more time to roleplay.
surprised Hopefully I can just remember... but usually, if the roleplay is good, I'll sit up all night wondering what someone will post. xD Hahaha.
Teehee. c: Naw, just kidding. She's just my wife <3
Peace, bitches~

^,..,^ Sparkly? I THINK NOT
Hey ladies;
inside: I love women . _.
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