Explode Yourself

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Birthday: 03/12


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PS Amarth's bio:

Pancakes n’ Syrup Amarth ( real name unknown) is a warrior from a time before recorded history, and a member of the ancient civilization called Agraderath. After a particularly bloody battle, PS happened upon an old witch who was trying to put a curse on the Agraderathians for killing her son in battle. Instead of a simple death curse, however, the old witch’s spell ended up opening a vortex in time, and swallowed PS, disposing her somewhere in Los Angeles (sometime in the late 80’s-early 90’s as estimated).

PS wandered the streets of LA still in full bloody battle armor, swinging her mace and roaring furiously at anyone and anything that tried to approach her. Finally, a team of ten cops sedated her and took her to jail. She stayed in a holding cell for two nights before being placed in a mental institution where she endured intense shock treatements, as well as other forms of extreme psychotherapy. There she met Job Timothy (JT), a serial killer who’d been declared not guilty by reason of insanity, and through him she learned the English language, as well as the finer points of modern life.

After a year and a half, PS was released from the mental institution and given a home in a boarding house in LA which took in people who’d been released from prison or the mental hospital and trying to start life anew. PS missed her old life, her old time, but soon found herself curious about her surroundings, and the people around her. Even with her curiosity, she ended up getting a job in a local bookstore so that she could find any and all spell books or books on magic to try to get back to her time. It was at the bookstore that she met Cricket, a recovering heroin addict and alcholic, and the two became good friends, helping each other through the trials and general strangeness of each of their lives.

PS still has her armor, and wears it to anime and comic cons that Cricket drags her to. She has yet to find the spell that will open the vortex back up to her time, but now wonders if she’d even use it at all, were she to find it. After all, the future has satellite TV, air conditioning, Brendon Small, the internet, and….pancakes and syrup.

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Real life Bio:

I'm a simple creature who likes music (mostly death and thrash metal), horror movies, animals, and collecting stuff. I'm a writer (of original and fan fiction) and my main goal in life is to keep my head from exploding by just not thinking too hard.

Main obsessions: metal, Dethklok, Asian gore movies, cheesy B-rated cult movies that no one's ever heard of, Vikings, barbarians, vintage video games, Guitar Hero, LARPing, my sweet little bunny named Toki and my hamster, Ralph.


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Quinn Faulkner (vocals), Dixon Mason(guitars), Jesse Hensen(guitars), L.B. Goodberry(bass), and Dwayne Blackburn(drums)

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Their "manager" Josh (if you can see him through all that weed smoke, lol)

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Anastasia Sanchez, their top roadie and guitar tech


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VaIkyrie Rising Report | 10/09/2010 3:07 pm
VaIkyrie Rising
I like all of 'em, except Skwis.....
The Panda Maiden Report | 07/12/2010 7:54 pm
The Panda Maiden
I think I have a couple of things on your wishlist. Do you still need the Demon Leggings and Hotel For Dogs background?
CorpseGrinder6sic6 Report | 07/12/2010 5:15 pm
yeah i accept most people
but i dont rember how i got the playlist up
its been a long time sorry
Elegant Sonata Report | 07/05/2010 10:16 pm
Elegant Sonata
First comment! XD


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Toki ist krieg


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