Evolution of Chaos

Evolution of Chaos's avatar

Birthday: 05/10


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The names Becky. I'm 20. Not new to Gaia. I love who I am and wont change for anyone. I never let anyone tell me what to do.
I can take care of myself. I'm not some little girl that needs protecting or wants her life to be like a fairytale.
I'd rather go out and get ******** up then cuddle up on the couch watching some crappy romantic 'comedy'.
It's fun to watch things burn. Just sayin'.
I'm a huge flirt, so flirting with you does not mean I like you.
I'm having fun with my life while I can, because I don't know when I'm going to die.
Talk to me and you can expect nothing but the truth. Can't handle it? That's not my problem.

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Kyriora Report | 06/30/2011 1:50 pm
Get your b00bs off gaia please heart
Ikuya Akimoto Report | 05/15/2011 10:28 am
Ikuya Akimoto
For some reason your about me section made me laugh so hard.
Mandrakk The Dark Monitor Report | 04/29/2011 11:05 am
Mandrakk The Dark Monitor
AkatsukiAkuma53421 Report | 04/23/2011 12:07 am
hahaha you HAVE to get it or at least rent it, then you will want to get it because its so amazing. how is portal 2? everyone has been talking about it and i have absolutely no idea what that game is or what its about. whats your psn anyway? ill add you and we might have some of the same games anyway. mine is kerry53421
Nasty Mayors Daughter Report | 04/22/2011 11:25 pm
Nasty Mayors Daughter
Sorry I havent been around for a few days, computer ******** up, video card fried so I'm jacking my moms comp for a few hours right now to check on s**t so. HEY WELL HOW ARE YOU? HOWS THE METAL FORUM TREATING YOU? How many times a day do people comment on your chesticles since you still show them off in your signature? razz
AkatsukiAkuma53421 Report | 04/22/2011 9:43 pm
hey are you a ps3 player? if so we should exchange psn and online game sometime ^_^ ,especially if you get mortal kombat
Mandrakk The Dark Monitor Report | 04/21/2011 3:32 pm
Mandrakk The Dark Monitor
You are very metal! cool
XeroStryker914 Report | 04/20/2011 9:42 pm
Why does it always seem like the girls with the big tits are always the ones to show off so much cleavage in their pics. Its so distracting and not fair. Dx
LovelyLeslieLust Report | 04/17/2011 10:51 pm
Keep in touch! ^.^
LovelyLeslieLust Report | 04/17/2011 10:38 pm
Well I hope you get better! ^.^


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Well, raise 'em high and string 'em up
We've gotcha, now you're good as dead
From the gallows to your grave
It's gona take your life away


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