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♥♥♥~BrOkEn BoUgHs & BlAcKeNd LeAvEs~♥♥♥

How can you love when they won't let you

new music

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artificially_organic Report | 06/26/2012 8:07 pm
imma russle your jimmies wink - luv your sandii
Jaiden066 Report | 11/09/2009 9:28 pm
it's alright. Well, u can give me a call if u want.
Jaiden066 Report | 10/30/2009 4:28 pm
hey. i called u a while ago. I guess u didn't get the message.
Jaiden066 Report | 09/09/2009 1:36 pm
x_iMagik Report | 08/07/2009 6:38 pm
lolz idk hahahahhaaaaaa god what is my new number....
ill tell you someday idk but i forgot it...
frend me ill be back on sometime.....
these days.....
x_iMagik Report | 08/07/2009 6:15 pm
hello this is isaiah...
rachel's broter.....
GordiiBOB Report | 07/03/2009 12:42 pm
well have fun. smile

GordiiBOB Report | 06/24/2009 4:58 pm
yeah i know what you mean about you needing someone to hang out with, coz i really do too! lolol.
and well, you actually can have lots of fun in camp no!? ><
GordiiBOB Report | 06/19/2009 11:45 pm
nothing much :/
i'm really bored and there's like NOWHERE to go to! smile
whats up with you?
and how's summer so far?
Captain_Whitey_Chan Report | 06/14/2009 7:13 pm
tis k.

About me Evil_Angel_mindfreak

Name: Autumn
Sex: Female
sexuality: straight
location: Enchantment

Birthday: March 29th

The most important people in my life:

John my awesomely kool brother!! I love you John

ALEX My awesomely Bi friend who I love
~smiles~ he's my suichi shindo!

Not to mention Matt. Matt and Alex are my two best friends even though they live in a different state they are.

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This is me,

My likes:
-My bunnehs Alex (head pimp) and Matt(vice pimp but alex's whore/hooker)
- techno music,rock,screamo,and some punk.
- Eyeliner
-hair straightners
- chinese/japenese foods & music
-drawing and random pics.

If you haven't tried any japanese foods then you should at least try the candy. Poky is the best Japanese candy out there!in my opinion...also my favorite thing out of any manga book or anime show would have to be CONES from Bleach i gotsted a plushie of him >3< .

My Dislikes:

-people who dis other groups of people i mean seriously if we don't mess with you then don't mess with us.

- rap,country


-fakes and or posers i've delt with enough of them lately

-self absorbed guys who only think about how hot they look.


I like this song it's dedicated to the one person who has always been there for me even now that we are not dating it still reminded me of you and don't let this effect your new relationship i can see it she makes you happy.

You're the direction I follow to get home
When I feel like I can't go on, you tell me to go
And it's like I can't feel a thing without you around
And don't mind me if I get weak in the knees
'Cause you have that effect on me, you do

Everything you say
Every time we'd kiss , I couldn't think straight
But I'm okay
And I can't think of anybody else
Who I hate to miss as much as I hate missing you

Months going strong now, and no goodbye
Unconditional, unoriginal
Always by my side
Meant to be together
Meant for no one but each other
You love me, I love you harder so

Everything you say
Every time we'd kiss , I couldn't think straight
But I'm okay
And I can't think of anybody else
Who I hate to miss as much as I hate missing you

So please, give me a hand
So please, give me a lesson on how to steal, steal a heart
As fast as you stole mine, as you stole mine

Oh and everything you say
Every time we'd kiss , I couldn't think straight
But I'm okay
And I can't think of anybody else
Who I hate to miss as much as I hate missing you

So please, give me a hand
So please, just take my hand.


I must say that though me and keith have had our differences I absolutly love him. you can watch the video in the top left hand corner of my profile and if you want to add him look him up on myyearbook.

TaCkInG oFf My PlAsTiC sMiLe

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taste the bitterness of another bloody valentines day
