
Eudorra's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/24


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Starting avi commissions again for those of you who are interested. I apologize to those of you whom I had never completed transactions with. I was forced into an unexpected hiatus due mostly to work and classes.


1.) If you are interested in a commission, please pm me and I shall get to you as soon as possible.

2.) Depending on the work load, the time in which I am able to complete your picture is debatable. An illustration like the one below takes a few hours working consecutively.

3.) I request that when commissioned, I am not asked to draw cluttered avatars. This meaning that there are a considerable number of components to your character, be they accessories, pets, numerous articles of clothing or all of the above. I can work details, but be sure to look at it and ask yourself if drawing your avatar would be difficult.

4.) My submissions range from line art, full colored illustrations, full body illustrations and busts (aka- head shots)

5.) Please be very specific about what you want in regards to poses or facial expressions, otherwise I shall do whatever comes to mind. Any examples would be lovely.

6.) If you could, a sample of your avatar would be greatly appreciated. smile

7.) And lastly, prices are also debatable. I don't really charge large quantities of coins. We can discuss this in messages.

8.) Due to past incidences, I'll have to take the money up front and if you feel the image is less than your money's worth then I will gladly refund that amount.

Here is a more recent example of my work.

NOTE: My style is fairly cartoony. If you want something more anime-esque however, I have no problems doing so.

User Image



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Koukei Report | 04/07/2010 3:03 pm
I totally forgot I had asked for avi art, I've been so swamped with school, I'm just getting back on the gaia scene, lol. But I am still interested. I'll PM you.
Sextremely Report | 02/12/2010 9:37 am
Did you ever figure out that bootygrab buisness??
Yeti~Doll Report | 02/09/2010 5:11 pm
Yes ofcourse smile Give me your price range from lowest. $-$
Koukei Report | 08/12/2009 8:44 pm
Your art work is lovely =] Everyone has asked you, but how much do you charge? I'd love to have some avi art.
Yeti~Doll Report | 08/03/2009 4:20 pm
Your art is quite amazing, as im sure everyone tells you. I know people have asked you over and over on your profile comments about what you charge. But i'm still in the unknown. So what do you charge for something like what you did for Acacia_1792? If i have enough, i'd like to request a colored full body picture of my avi. Let me know smile

Corrupted Image Report | 07/23/2009 11:33 pm
Corrupted Image
How much do you charge for your avatar art?
It is absoluely beautiful~
SAmaryllis Report | 07/21/2009 4:29 pm
Hello hello! : D Just wanted to drop by and say how lovely your art is. <3 I saw it in Acacia's sig, ha ha.
MIssLovelyPenguin Report | 07/16/2009 4:26 pm
How much do you charge for avi art?
TheSwingKing Report | 07/08/2009 8:35 pm
You should enter in art contests you can win some gaia gold
Acacia_1792 Report | 07/07/2009 8:34 pm
Thanks! Maybe when I change my avi again. =]