It's just the start of the beginning

Jessie Obe-one-Diabetes

User ImageYeah I am a Jedi what of it people? Ha ha nah I am just the Diabetes as my daughter/friend/wife/and sister would put it xD Anyways I am the lovely person behind the Avi you see when talking to me. Yes I know I am a strange and out there kind of person but ya know what? Whats life without a little crazy? x3 Ha ha ha anyways I like talking to people and yes I am a drama queen... Well kinda. I can have a serious convo or a silly random one. Your choice. I really don't care.
Anyways as of lately I am giving up on love... I really mean I am taking a LONG break. Anyways I rather not go into it but so you know the basics... I fell in love, He broke up with me, I tried being friends, He didn't want that, and now I am a broken hearted girl who lost there first love... An will always love him.
Yeah I have a big heart to love someone like that I know. Well anyways Thats me and anything else just ask me and I will (most likely) answer with no trouble biggrin
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