Erubus of Nox

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Don't ask me for gold because the answer is no unless I know you and deem you as worthy.
If you can't type out your damn words-leave me alone. I am not into the cyber girlfriend/boyfriend thing so don't even bother.
And to all those who call ME a damn noob-pucker up as far as I'm concerned. It shows up wrong but this account has existed on gaia for about 5 years now.
This was my little brother's account but he hasn't used it so now it is my mule.

I am a tomboyish, random, pleasantly-plump female. I really cannot stand a lot of things because I am in High School and see them everyday. I have longish brown hair, blue eyes, and glasses (which I absolutely hate with a passion). I will not dress up for anything, no matter who you are. Jeans, a hoodie, and tennis shoes are all I can generally procure no matter how important the event. My FFA advisors hate that aspect of me.

I belong to two main guilds : Synamic Darkness and The Gathering Eclectic. Both I absolutely adore because it is free of the annoyances of deciphering chatspeak.

I am an absolute anime freak, especially on the weekends; I love naruto, inuyasha, and bleach. If you want to leave any comments on a new type of anime that has come out - feel free. I need some new material from time to time.


People who lie to make themselves look cool.
Idiots that think thier opinion is needed everywhere and the world will end without it.
People in general. Gaians don't count though.
Really loud talkative people. I have one friend that never shuts up.... I can't stand in a room with her for over 2 seconds.
Pointless conversations,
Preppy bitchy girls that think their better than you,
Girls that spread rumors,
Extemely girly girls that can't understand why i HATE the color pink,
Social events with 400 sweaty stinky people,
school dances.
Jocks that think that getting drunk and high are cool
Jocks period
Guys that cheat and think they can get away with it
People that are so nosy that you can't even count to ten without them interrupting...
Not typing your damn words out.
Slow Internet
bud Light
History books
panty hose (never get those damn things on without ripping them)
Rare Steaks *is there something wrong with Medium-Well???*
Bull dogs *I was bitten by one whenever I was 3 and remember it vivedly. But if your dog is nice and can prove it, then it's all good*
Hauling hay
Waking up at 5:30
My little brother stinking up the bathroom
Being at the movies and suddenly half-way through- you have to crap
The little old lady that appears halfway through that crap
Greasy body lotion
wooly sweaters in summer
I can't stand the extremely girly girls who would spend $300 bucks on a really flimsy and slutty looking shirt, or the guys that pick on and bully others. They both piss me off so badly I can't see straight. Messiness
Being stuck with idiots in a group project (they are more likely to eat the glue than work on anything)
Extremely Strong old-woman perfume (the kind that you can smell across the room )
Lastly, the girls that act so slutty you would bet they'd do anything anywhere... I have ALOT of those in my school.
CAN"T THINK OF OTHERS AT THE MOMENT- but there's so many more................


Animals (except the ones that have kicked or hurt me before)
THE INTERNET!!! (gaia especially)
Insane funny people, BAND'OS!!!!!!! (that's band people by the way)
My bird, Charlie.....who cusses.....
Painting/ any hobby to do with art.
RAMEN!!! pasta, food in general.... can ask any of my friends at school and they'll tell you it keeps them and me sane....
MSN Messenger (I gotta talk to mah peoples)
b***h slapping annoying people right upside their me pleasure in life.
Rock music
Good big books-that way they hurt when you chuck them at your siblings head...
Being Alone
Rock Music
Clothes that fit AND are comfortable
Good hair days (does not happen that often)
Being with my mom all day- not having to work on my grandparents farm
Sweet Tea
Big odd shaped drinking glasses
Crazy Straws
Brad Pitt - in Troy. XP
Some rap Music *not much though*
Comfy recliners
Dogs in general *Emphasis on the "in general"*
Fuse TV
Sarcastic funny T-shirts
Hot Topic, even though I am not gothic
That's about it. Of course there is more, so I will update if I deem the Loved/Hated item worthy.

I guess that is all for now. Thanks for viewing my profile!!


View All Comments

Nyx of the Moon Report | 12/26/2009 8:27 pm
Nyx of the Moon
Oh So Twisted Report | 01/02/2009 9:30 pm
Oh So Twisted
iglasias ~00~ funnyyyy.....
Moons Dagger Report | 01/02/2009 9:22 pm
Moons Dagger
Moons Dagger Report | 12/31/2008 9:31 am
Moons Dagger
So just a random bit?
Moons Dagger Report | 12/30/2008 5:31 am
Moons Dagger
Jack the Ripper - where the ******** did that come from????
Moons Dagger Report | 12/29/2008 11:56 am
Moons Dagger
Eh better a mule than belonging to the brother. O.o
Moons Dagger Report | 12/28/2008 6:43 pm
Moons Dagger
Profitable Post. ^^ Hello, fellow mule.
Nyx of the Moon Report | 07/07/2008 6:14 pm
Nyx of the Moon
Basics- You can get gold by commenting on other people's profiles, click on the daily chances on all of the sub-sites (home, my gaia, world, ect.) to get prizes (the carriage looking things), and ask me if you need help with something.



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