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Eric Draven Cosplay's avatar


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Eric Draven Cosplay Report | 11/27/2008 11:49 pm
Eric Draven Cosplay
you've been hacked by dark synn b***h...................


I'm a girl...
My main account is Strawberries an Cream.

Okay now that I have time I will acctually add to this...

Here's me:
User Image

I'm 16 years old and I live in England... And thats all ya need to know at this moment in time.

I created this account so that I could create a cosplay of Eric Draven for the arena and didn't wanna lose my 4k hair style. I have asked a mod if this was allowed and it is... So STFU about that.

I have friends dispite what the little box below this. But yea... They know who they are and are mentioned on my main account rather then this currently plathetic excuse for an avi.


OMG is that....
Strawberries an Cream's MULE!

I'm a GIRL

Help me make this...
Donations appreciated.

User Image

Strawberries an Cream

Behold my Oh So Sexy Main account
in all of her Mainness Glory.
Do not under any circumstances add
my main WITHOUT PMing me with a good
reason why...

By all means add the mule.