You Wish You Were This Cool.
Hey, everyone. This is me, so either deal with it or get over it. I'm awesome. Love me. Oh, I'm also a bit egotistical. So... Get over it. I'm that guy who makes jokes for no reason, and has the most random outbursts. All of my friends have inside jokes with me... And I wouldn't have it any other way. Yeah, I'm weird. Who isn't? Weird is different, and everyone's different. So either everyone's weird... Or normal people are insane.I am, if you take the time to realize it, a very deep and thoughtful person. I think of a lot of things, some random, some very meaningful. I also have the heart of an artist, although I can't draw to save my life. However, I'm an author and a composer, and I play several instruments. To see some of my writing, check out my journal entries, or search my username in the Art Arenas.
I'm currently 19, living in the town of Awesome Place, in the state of Amazing, in the country of Epic. Want to know any more personal stuff? If so... You're a creeper, and you need to leave me alone.
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Hope to hear from you soon 3nodding
So expect to be going up against some heavy hitters.