"Aww, I don't like fighting. It really hurts.."
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• i am one ******** up individual.

I'm a Homunculus. I'm not looking for friends, I'm not looking to pick a fight.
I'm looking for hat little shrimp, Edward. I'm supposed to kill him,
but before I do, I suppose I'll have some fun. <3

I'll admit I'm a little teensie bit evil, but mainly just maniacal..
I'm vain, and to that I will confess. But everyone has their own personal collection of sins, now, don't they? I'm rather cruel towards people sometimes. I have a short patience. I like to have fun. I don't believe in the theory that Alchemy can do anything, because quite frankly, alchemy has screwed a lot of things over.

Hm. let's see, though Homunculus have no gender, I am a ******** boy. Not a girl. A boy. don't know what else to write. Talk to me if you please<3.

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