
I am not what you would expect me to be at all. Now, you may be asking why. Well on pure sight alone, I can be seen stadning tall at about 6'2, wearing my normal baggy black pants, chains, tattoos and pierceings. While runnnig a hand through me goatee, as my tranch coat blows in the wind, I have been called many things... Freak, cultist, satanist... and so on. But in all essence, I am just another 21 year old male.
Sur,e I look different then alot of people, but why does that matter? Really though? I am an open minded person, who tends to stick close to family, friends and the love of my life.
I love watching movies and playing games with my girl, and hanging out with me co-workers at work, while we laugh about our customers.
When not relaxing with my computer and my collection of music, I can usually be found off somewhere, helping some random person. Be it holding a door open for someone, or helping some person load groceries into their car, or tosseing someone a few $20's so they can eat for a few days..... What can I say... Despite what people assume of me based on how I look on the outside, I am really a nice person, who loves helping people out in any way I can. Feel free to PM me, as I will gladly help you as well.


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Viewing 2 of 2 comments.


Report | 11/07/2009 4:04 pm


Thanks for the buy, and thanks for being one of the few nice people still out there. ^^


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.