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Empress Alice

Empress Alice's avatar

Last Login: 02/06/2011 11:04 am


-L • I • B • R • A • : Their Love is one of a kind

Very pretty, Very romantic, Nice to everyone they meet, Their Love is one of a kind, Silly, Fun, Sweet, Have their own unique sexiness, Most caring person you will ever meet! AMAZING IN BED! Spontanious, Neat, Addicted and loyal to their friends, Not the kind of person you wanna ******** with smile You might end up crying; The most irresistible, Strong, Powerful, EXTREMELY PASSIONATE!​​​​​​​​​​​​​Rare to find, A great kisser, Incredibly intelligent, Most Libras are deep-thinkers, Outgoing, Lovable, Corky, Crazy, A fun-lover, Funny, Talkative, Erotic, Smart, LOVES sports, Gets what he/she wants, Loves to be in a relationship BUT, is completely happy and free if single.

yah first off if your going to mess with my heart just leave ._.

Ok the nice me now^^ hi my name is Alyssa if u want to know something about me ask. I liv in Florida yes its hot here and yes i wish i lived in Canada where its always pale .i hate hackers and crappy gf from your ex's (yes u know who u r). Im rly friendly unless u hurt me badly or the ones i luv or take the ones i luv away from me.10% of this info isn't even useful to you unless your a ***** or a stalker. Also 80% of women fake an orgasm during intercourse just because the guy is to tiered and unable to fully pleasure his women.


.♥SeXy ♥
my favorite quote i found from a friend~
~I told him I loved him, truth betold my heart belonged to another
And he saw through that
I told him that I couldn't be with the man who's touch I yearned
even though I have never felt it
He understood
I had many good reasons for choosing him now
and he told me
Stop lying to yourself .
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...............♥............. .♥



View All Comments

Janie_the_Star Report | 10/05/2010 1:22 pm
HAPPY BDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heart heart heart
Keen Kim Report | 10/05/2010 11:23 am
Keen Kim
Happy Birthday! biggrin *huggles* 4laugh
Eds Montana Report | 07/10/2010 7:21 pm
Eds Montana
Add Me Again.
Maiden of Artemis Report | 07/10/2010 5:56 pm
Maiden of Artemis
New profile? Did you need some change? ~giggles softly~
l Kiffa l Report | 07/10/2010 1:31 pm
l Kiffa l
[omega glomp attack!!!!]
Owo hi?
Fafnir Dren Report | 07/10/2010 12:22 pm
Fafnir Dren
ok adding the css to your profile from wix
you first need to put you profile in current.
take everthing off your profile
you need a media box on you profile.
if you would send me the code of your wix profile ill fix the code for you because it would be hard for me to tell you how to do it.
ill send you a profile that you need to put in your override profile box.
IXI_Dark_Dante_IXI Report | 07/10/2010 12:01 pm
i was hoping for more like 400,000 "/ but nvm ^^ its ok razz
Ugly Americans Report | 07/10/2010 11:51 am
Ugly Americans
my sister tryed to put the ccs from wix.. it didnt work..
so ask somone who has a wix profile.
nooBs thE Report | 07/10/2010 11:00 am
nooBs thE
you want to put Beast in the harlet on your
media cause
i got it right now
and thhe URL
IXI_Dark_Dante_IXI Report | 07/10/2010 10:09 am
alice can you help me a bit towards my seconds dream avi please Y.Y sweatdrop


click die


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friend request this avi its my new main account.